Jason Lemieux: then and now

| May 16, 2011

I was in the committee meeting room when Jason Lemieux testified to Congress at the Winter Soldier hearings. It was almost word-for-word what he said at the original WSII hearings in Silver Spring, MD. At the time I wrote;

Jason Lemieux followed Kelly. He was discharged in 2006 – before General Petraeus took command. He began with the standard illegal war blather and testified to the destruction of property. His Rules of Engagement (ROE) were that he should shoot Iraqis that made him uncomfortable and he claimed that excessive force was routine.

Lemieux recounted one incident, and began the story with the standard “I don’t remember the date”. His unit returned fire with thousands of rounds and Lemieux called it indiscriminate (even though he was in the headquarters and only heard the rounds being fired and didn’t witness the actual fire fight). IVAW seems to be fixated on destroyed buildings. Probably because most were so far from the action, all they got to see was destroyed buildings. He went on to say that troops aren’t fighting for democracy, or the flag, or the country…just for their own safety and that somehow makes them dangerous to Iraqis. We can only hope the Iraqis realize that.

Three years later, almost to the day, Lemieux is again in the news, this time it’s Fox News;

“I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t have joined the Marine Corps,” Jason Lemieux, a veteran and soon-to-be graduate, said. “It just wouldn’t have happened.”

And you repay the Corps by testifying to the “Out of Iraq Caucus” that the Marine Corps was running around Iraq firing indiscriminately at buildings and people? Nice.

I mean I’m glad for Jason that he went on with his life and has done something besides be another Bill Perry or Ward Reilly, but, why did he have to shit all over the people who he now credits for his success?

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects, Winter Soldier II Live blogging

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“Gratitude” is not an attribute taught much in the Ivy League. Unless it’s the gratitude of the peasants thankful for this wonderful economy, foreign policy, and lack of security – courtesy of the hallowed halls of Ivy League academics.

Marine 83

One more name to add to my ever expanding list of EX Marines.


The only nice thing I can say about Winter Soldier is that this is how I found the “Farm Team” and I have been around ever since. I thank Jonn for holding the idiots accountable.

Army Sergeant

Jason has always been consistent. He was proud of his service as a Marine then and now. He’s a smart, accomplished guy, and I’m glad that he’s had a chance to go to Columbia. He has never spoken out against the service, just against the war. I’m surprised that you had no one else to throw mud on. Slow news day?


“smart, accomplished guy.” Yet, for all his smarts, he “can’t remember the date” but he knows his unit fired “thousands of rounds” indiscriminately? I certainly hope he retains what he learned in the Ivy League better than that.


He’s right in that he wouldn’t have an Ivy degree if he didn’t join the Marine Corps. Without his enlistment, he would have never become the darlings of the IVAW and the radical left which is, in all probability, the reason why he was accepted.


I wish I had been clever enough after Desert Storm to create a reality career after discharge. I probably could have contacted Nancy Pelosi and confessed my culpability in burning human waste during the war. Perhaps then I would be able to testify before a senate sub-commitee and start my own N.G.O. I could then discuss the ramifications of the pollution we were ordered to cause,totally disregarding carbon emission’s and such. A real war crime.


My sources in the USMC tell me that this punk never got anywhere near combat, and spent his whole tour hiding behind his computer and file cabinet.

No doubt he gets a lot of free tail from the gullible wenches of the Loony Left.