IVAW honors Malalai Joya

| May 16, 2011

The IVAW put on a dinner to honor Malalai Joya, a legislator in Afghanistan’s Loya Jirga who is an ungrateful bint and spends most of her time complaining about the US presence in her country. Malalai Joya was the woman to whom Matthis apologized for occupying the corner booth at Baskin-Robbins at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan for six days and terrorizing the population when they ran out of sprinkles for his ice cream sundae. I think he pointed his long plastic spoon at some children which causes him some measure of discomfort these days.

But, anyway, Joya was telling IVAW about the horrors that have been perpetrated on the Afghans by the US, and, of course, hardly no one in the IVAW has actually seen the war in Afghanistan, they take her at her word;

Joya complete ignores the fact that if the US leaves and the Taliban take over the government again, she’ll be one of the first to be punished, and horribly so. That if the US hadn’t moved against the Taliban, she’d never become a member of the legislature.

So it makes sense that IVAW would honor her…because she’s as dishonest as they are.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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You know see is going to stay in the US when that happens with a excuse of saying that “We destroyed it so much that she cannot return”.


[…] funny because Malalai Joya, the former Afghan legislator, has been trolling her way across the country telling Americans that […]