Truther fantasies dashed

| August 21, 2008


Despite the research conducted by chickenwire guy at Democratic Underground nearly three years ago, NIST has had different findings on the collapse of WTC 7 on 9-11-01;

On Sept. 11, it was set on fire by falling debris from the burning towers, but skeptics have long argued that fire and debris alone should not have brought down such a big steel-and-concrete structure.

Scientists with the National Institute of Standards and Technology say their three-year investigation of the collapse determined the demise of WTC 7 was actually the first time in the world a fire caused the total failure of a skyscraper.

“The reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery,” said Dr. Shyam Sunder, the lead investigator on the NIST team.

Investigators also concluded that the collapse of the nearby towers broke the city water main, leaving the sprinkler system in the bottom half of the building without water.

Yeah, but did they do this WITH REAL KEROSENE;


And then stand on it like this;


I think those NIST scientists should give this guy a call and try out his methodology before they make sweeping announcements about namby pamby computer simulations.

Fire can’t melt steel. Google it, people!

Category: Liberals suck

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509th Bob

Jonn, it is impolite to make fun of RETARDS. Kerosene-based jet fuel burns at an average temperature (sp.?) of 1796 degrees. Gasoline-based fuel only burns at an average temperature of (max.) 560 degrees. Nobody has EVER pointed out this particular fact before! Oh, but wait, I think I DID! Indirectly only, of course, since I thought that others who had BRAINS (a mistake in Government, I admit) would recognize the significance of what I wrote. Read the 9-11 Commission Report. It’s been awhile, but I do believe that I’m referenced on page 486, as the un-named DOJ attorney who warned of the 9-11 tactic. I also have my own footnote. Robert [un-named], in the footnote, happens to be ME. Cathleen [un-named] happens to be Cathleen Corken, who was then shooting beaver shots at the Chief of the [then] Terrorism and Violent Crime Section (I have an independent witness to one particular episode, and other witnesses to the situation as a whole). We naturally suspected that a “closer” relationship existed. She is now an Assistant United States Attorney in the Eastern District of Michigan (i.e., Detroit). Feel free to Google her name – you might even find the announcement that she was labeled as a counter-terrorism “expert”! I can even name the TVCS Chief who promoted her FAR beyond her capabilities if you want. He is a thoroughly disgusting piece of sh!t, who is STILL protected by the Department of Justice. He happens to be a Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division. His name starts with “James” and ends with “Reynolds.” His middle initial, as I recall, was “S.” I have no fear of a legal civil suit for libel or slander because I can call too many witnesses. Truth is a defense to libel and slander. I could probably even call his former wife as a witness. If Truthers want a REAL conspiracy, they need to look at the conspiracy of silence by the Government BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, when far too many of us were reading the signs and predicting (without any specific attack… Read more »

Frankly Opinionated

Here you are again, allowing these commenters to use actual facts. Don’t you realize how badly this messes with the minds of the Libtards who are sworn to never, ever let the facts get in the way of their story? Don’t you have a way to censor the honest comments, leaving the truthers and their ilk to troll their way through your posts? Next thing you know, you will allow supporters and members of the VRWC to just come in and comment away.
Speaking of supporters- If I support my local college football team, am I not an Athletic Supporter? Or, in short, a Jock Strap?
nuf sed


I apologize for being so vehement, but WTF !!!, what sort of a “cubicle” were the “truthers” living in on 911???

Anybody that has a friggin’ clue knows what went down that day.

The Falling Man: World Trade Center Horrors

You truthers (and lefties) are truly dumb ‘effers!!!


The power of a college education. Giving yourself a hotfoot while making an a** of yourself.
Millions of dollars spent proving what 200 million Americans already knew. Now the other 100 million (democrats) can go back to sleep.


It’s amazing how the Left wants us all to listen to our enemies and change our policies to appease them. But when the exact same enemies tell us over and over that they, and they alone, are responsible for 9/11, the Left does the ear-covering, “LA LA LA LA I’M NOT LISTENING!” thing. Abject fools.


I really do think that the problems with the truthers and lefties in buying into the conspiracy theories and not being able to recognize evil is most seem to be moral relativists. There’s no shades of gray when dealing with those who mean to destroy our way of life and kill us, but they don’t seem to get it.