IVAW scrapes bottom of barrel
As I’ve been writing the last few months, the Iraq Veterans Against the War have been trying to get the word out about the perceived atrocities they’ve witnessed in Iraq. The media has largely ignored them so they’ve been on the road this summer hoping someone will notice them. No one has noticed them thus far…until now.
LT Nixon emails me this morning that they’ve caught the attention of that paragon of virtue and truth Hustler Magazine (beware of any links at El-Tee’s place – he doesn’t have a wife that bonks him on the head when nekkid women pop up on the screen).
Slog‘s Bethany Jean Clement has the press release;
HUSTLER Magazine November 2008
The Winter Soldiers Speak Out
In arguably the most shocking piece of the year, HUSTLER Magazine reports on the truth about what’s going on in Iraq. The “Winter Soldier” veterans, as they are called, speak out about the war and the thousands of innocent Iraqi civilian casualties. One of the brave soldiers brought back a video of his sergeant declaring, “The difference between an insurgent and an Iraqi civilian is whether they are dead or alive.” The soldier explains: “If you kill a civilian, he becomes an insurgent because you retroactively make him a threat.” Gruesome photos accompany the article.
Yeah, see this goes to my post the other day. One “brave” soldier brings back a video of his SERGEANT declaring…. Did he bring back a video of his commander saying this? Or an even higher commander? Nope…IVAW is in the business of smearing the soldiers and Marines. And then they slap each other on the back and call themselves “brave”…and then wonder why they don’t get any respect from other veterans. “Gruesome photos accompany the article” just has too many possibilities coming from Hustler.
I’ll let the commenters go into depth on this one.
Ya know, I wonder if IVAW or Huster realize that no one who buys that particular magazine can read. Not that there’s anything wrong with that – Hustler’s first publication coincided with my first month in basic training, so we’ve grown old together. But, I think if I wanted to get an anti-war message out, Hustler would probably be the last place I’d go.
LT Nixon, in his email to me, ruminated about a photo layout of nekkid, hairy-legged hippie chicks. I’m sure he gets to see enough of those in the Great Northwest, though.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers
Larry Flynt, the owner of Hustler magazine, is a lefty and a BDSer to the nth degree, so it should come as no surprise that Hustler ran this article on the IVAW.
Another case of IVAW aping the VVAW.
Back in the day, VVAW got a full page ad in Playboy.
Dumb as a stump these puppets of the VVAW.
Adam Kokesh called Burt Reynolds up for some advice on his Playgirl spread…
Raoul, That was my question to LT Nixon — Adam Kokesh going to be naked?
(You know, sometimes I think IVAW is not the brightest bunch, so maybe they didn’t understand what Hustler magazine is — ya think?)
As I recall, Jon Turner had video of his commander saying he thought he just killed half the population of Ramadi. Speaking of video of commanders!
Also, you do realize the military buys girly magazines like they’re going out of style, right? What your people have yet to realize is that we don’t have to get the message out to the soldiers that this war is BS. We just have to let them know some of the possibilities for what they can do, and how we can help.
Jonn wrote: “Also, you do realize the military buys girly magazines like they’re going out of style, right?” Yes, but I’m sure they’re not buying them for the articles. Location. Location. Location. Besides, wasn’t Hustler banned a few years back from AAFES?
Does anyone seriously think people buy that Magazine for the articles? What a freaking farce! How could you take Hustler as a legit news worthy icon in journalism? It can’t be done.
I can hear it now: Somewhere in the basement of someone’s house in suburbia.
“What the #$%^?! Where is the girl with the big hooters???? Who put this crap in here and took out Miss Bodacious??????
I agree the IVAW is not the brightest bunch, but in this case, they will take any press/coverage that they can get, and like Rochester Veteran sez- Larry Flynt is suffering terminal BDS. “Preaching to the choir” seems so wrongly phrased but y’all get my drift here.
nuf sed
The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 08/21/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.
Well, that is certainly their right, by all means. Just because I think Hustler is trash, we all know tons of guys read — I’m sorry, look at it. As long as they’re not standing downtown handing out copies on the street corners.
Good thing these traitors have identified themselves. When the time comes they won’t be hard to find. Let a few more politicians call all of the real Vet’s crazy and they (real vets) have a clear road to an insanity defense and a not guilty verdict.
Army Sgt,
I would be a hypocrite if I took some moral stand against Hustler (personally, I prefer the much more raunchy Swank), but you have to consider how you are marketing the IVAW message…a lot of people might take offense at this…
Also, the fact that IVAW is appearing with the Recreate ’68 crazies next week (yes, trying to levitate the Denver Mint indicates a certain level of crazy) doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in your organization.
Since Larry Flynt has no redeeming social value, his endorsement of the IVAW is a logical step.
Gruesome photos accompany the article.
By gruesome, are the readers to be ‘treated’ to a several photos of Elvis in his birthday suit?
One look at this ‘article’ and the soldiers who buy Hustler like it’s going out of style are gonna decide the BS lies on the side of IVAW.
Can’t you just see it now, “Girls of the IVAW Calander”.
Flag Day’s not marked, neither is the Army Birthday but they’ll tell you it’s Che’s Birthday on June 14th!
Raoul, how the hell do you know when Che Guevara’s birthay is? That’s mildly disturbing.
LT Nixon: Actually, we’re /not/ appearing with the R68 folks..I think the Denver paper may have run a story about it, but I can’t find it right now. All I can find is an article attacking IVAW for it’s “rightward split” from the violent, crazy R68 folks. But here goes. If you want to read IVAW being trashed for not associating with radical crazies, check the link below.
Jonn: Sadly, Hustler being for those that love the ladies, which I don’t, I haven’t really kept track of it. Was it banned from AAFES? That’s odd, given that I know they have girly mags. I’ve walked past them, just haven’t investigated in depth.
LT Nixon:
Found the Denver rag piece.
Hey A/S,
You REALLY stepped in it now.
“Raoul, how the hell do you know when Che Guevara’s birthay is? That’s mildly disturbing.”
John Grant, one of your VVAW puppet masters, that what he decided to celebrate on that date.
Grant had a choice, honor his country’s flag, the US Army’s birthday or Che’s 80th birthday.
He’s a real bastard. He protested outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center using large black funeral wreaths as a prop. Survivor’s guilt is not uncommon, especially when the survivor makes it through a horrific experience like the severely wounded that that hospital is set aside to treat.
You’re the one hanging with a group that uses red stars in their logos, have people like TJ and your Chairman spouting ononsense like “American imperialism” and let’s not forget that Winter Soldier 2.1 has a Revolutionary Communist Party member (Barry Romo) on it’s very first panel session.
But I’m not supposed to question your or IVAW’s patriotism?
“I’ve walked past them, just haven’t investigated in depth.”
Yeah me too. That one time, I was just buying it for TSO and was just checking every page to make sure none of those postcard inserts had fallen out…
I saw IVAW on the R68 master schedule, so I just assumed, but I’m not involved in all of this, so thanks for clarifying. But, be careful out there…seriously.