
| May 2, 2011

Debbie Lee sent out an email last night. I won’t quote the whole thing, but I was struck by the wonderful candor. Also just watched her on HLN along with a representative of the 9/11 families.

I have gone through a scope of emotions this evening as I learned that Osama had been killed. I received a text from a friend, “we have Osama.” I told my son Kristofer to turn on the news. I listened as I heard that in fact Osama had been killed and that we had the body and had confirmed it was him. I screamed jubilant, joyous screams for justice. I began shaking and thought of my son Marc who willingly gave his life fighting the war on terror which was lead by despots like Osama Bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein. If it wouldn’t have been for Osama I would have my son.

I thanked God for giving us the victory and information which lead to the Navy SEAL’s successful mission of killing one of the world’s most vile, inhuman, deranged men.  He was America’s Most Wanted Terrorist.

My phone began ringing and texts and emails frantically began coming in. Oh how I wish Marc was here to celebrate this victory. Somehow I think maybe it wasn’t just humint intelligence that brought this about but somehow think Marc was invloved with Heaven Intelligence that helped. Once again the tears flow as I realize how much I miss him.

We all need to keep in mind that it ain’t remotely over, but some have earned the right to a bit of glee.

Category: Politics

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Last night, as the news started coming out, the 9/11 families, and the Gold Star Families are the people who immediately sprang to mind. Thank you for sharing Debbie Lee’s words. I am writing my own piece – for them – and will link to you.

My heart is with them all.

SSG Medzyk

I got a sneaky hunch, Marc is standing guard at the pearly gates, and is right now telling Osama to “get in the other line, bitch.”

Dirty Al the Infidel

Along Family lines. What did Osama say to his son sunday morning? Today you feed the dogs and I’ll feed the fish! Now on the serious side. My heart goes out to the families of 9/11 Victums and hope this brings some kind of closure to them. God Bless them.