The View hags: Call the 2012 election today
The military and political geniuses at The View have already declared Obama the winner of the 2012 election based on the events in Afghanistan this weekend. Watching these hags, you’d think Obama himself had fast-roped into that compound and Biden was holding the rope for him;
Ya know that’s what Republicans thought after the Gulf War, too. They hardly tried to beat Clinton and election results proved that. The killing of bin Laden didn’t create even one new job in the US (although it did wonders for advancement in al Qaeda), the price of gas hasn’t dropped a penny.
I was accused of being “political” in the my first post of the day, but not even close compared to these hacks.
Thanks to ROS for the link.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media
It’s “The View.” For the first time in a very long time, the POTUS is alleged to behaved Presidentially, and exercised battlefield patience, and demanded (and received) absolute assurance that OBL was snuffed.
Question being: who helped him through this? Michelle, Hillary, or our [un]distinguished ambassador to the UN?
I just thow up after watching this. Maybe the seals raided the wrong compound. These sorry excuses for woman should be double tapped.
I am happy the president gave the order for the op. This arguably is the first decision he ever made as CiC. I still wouldn’t vote for the man if he were running against Donald Trump in the general election (which I hope doesn’t happen). Although I am proud of him for what he did the other day, he is still the worst president of my lifetime (52 years).
“the price of gas hasn’t dropped a penny. “
No,indeed, gas in West Michigan hit a record high of $4.299/gallon today.
So, yeah, glad that OBL has assumed deep sea temperature, but, meanwhile, back in the USA, things continue to go to shit. Real unemployment has not dropped(think exhausted benefits not counted), gas is through the roof, we still aren’t building refineries, exploring for oil, and the guy who “signed the order” is still managing to run about a Trillion $ deficit yearly. At that rate, we just can’t afford him anymore.
I find it a *little* suspicious that this happened a week ago, during furious debate about the budget, and it was announced on a Sunday. I’m just thrilled about this whole thing so I’m not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Interesting bit of trivia Hitlers death was announced on May 2 1945. so there you go.