Change we can see
D. from The Dillard Doctrine sends me this;
Matt Chandler with the Obama campaign says the flag is not upside down. He says it is a stylized flag designed to blend the stars on Senator Obama’s shirt with the flag blowing in the wind.
Natalie Wyeth with the Democratic National Convention Committee sent 9NEWS the following statement Saturday night: “The DNCC community credentials incorporate patriotic design elements. They do not depict an actual American flag. The DNCC has full and complete respect for the flag and all rules of display.”
I guess we couldn’t “stylize” the flag to be right side up, could we? And where is the shirt that it needs to blend in with on the other side?
And it’s not like the HuffPo didn’t make a big deal over this photo just last week;
Yeah, just the whacko repugnik wingnuts getting their panties bunched over nothing. Kinda like a Chicago politician who gets his panties bunched over a law designed to protect abortion survivors. Nothing to see here.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics
[…] Then again, maybe I’m just another one of the whacko repugnik wingnuts getting my panties bunched over nothing. […]
Here is some change we’ll see:
Copy and Paste this to see some change.
nuf sed
Ooops: Just click the link, no need to copy and paste.
my bad, nuf sed
Showing my grasp of the obvious; the Bush pic barely rises to the level of PhotoShop magic.
The ticket thing is inexcusable, but typical enough of this candidate so as to hardly generate a shrug.
Showing my grasp of the obvious; the Bush pic barely rises to the level of PhotoShop magic. Coulda been flipped anywhere along the line.
The ticket thing is inexcusable, but typical enough of this candidate so as to hardly generate a shrug.
Denver CBS TV station says the Obama campaign was “secretly” selling these tickets for $1,000. No, say it isn’t so!! It’s just that ever so many, many people want to see the Great One, somebody’s got to pay for it!!