We’re paratroopers, we’re supposed to be surrounded

| August 20, 2008

The above quote is from the movie “Band of Brothers” and spoken by Richard Winters when warned that he was about to be surrounded by Germans at Bastogne in December of 1944. Recent events near Wanat, Afghanistan indicates that the spirit of the Airborne still lives today as it did in World War II.

Some of you may remember that I got to spend the evening with some of the reluctant heroes of that battle, from Chosen Company, 2/503rd, as well as Tankerbabe , a blogger who has adopted the unit.  She has put up several articles about the battle, and everytime I read one of them, I’m in awe of the guys with whom I had the honor of slamming back Carbombs (apparently Tankerbabe’s libation of choice).

She has one article about a medic, Specialist Jonathan Kaderli, who has been nominated for a Bronze Star with a “V” and another about Specialist Tyler Stafford;

“They knew our guys were in trouble, and when the Airborne’s in trouble, you don’t leave them to die; you go help them,” Stafford said. “They brought what they could.”

The Americans were running low on ammunition, and some of them were so badly wounded they were unable to move, Stafford said.

Help did not come for an hour, he said.

Stafford eventually was helicoptered to safety. He said he looked back at the scene below while aboard the chopper.

“It’s like one of the those movies out of like Vietnam that you see with all these special effects and everything’s on fire,” he recalled. “Smoke in the air, and that’s all you see is tracer rounds going back and forth … just, ‘boom, boom, boom.’ “

Who needs movie stars when we have real people like this among us?

Tankerbabe, also wants everyone to know that Annheuser Busch has donated 6,000 cans of beer to the Brigade for their homecoming next month. The best way to support paratroopers, I’ll tell you what. But keep an eye on Tankerbabe for the lastest on these extraordinary men.

Category: Support the troops, Terror War

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Don Carl

Sounds like Foch:
“Hard pressed on my right. My center is yielding. Impossible to maneuver. Situation excellent. I am attacking. “

David M

The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 08/20/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.


“We’re surrounded. That simplifies the problem. Now we can attack in any direction!”
– Attributed to Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller, USMC
This quotes may not be Chesty Puller’s,
but may instead have been said by General O.P.Smith


What makes it great is you can fire in any direction and send a jihadist to hell. Got to love the odds.


“This quotes may not be Chesty Puller’s,
but may instead have been said by General O.P.Smith”

I’ve always heard it attributed to Chesty. Never had the pleasure of meeting Chesty, but I did meet his son Lou one time, before he committed suicide.

Army Sergeant

Dammit. Is there another way I can show my appreciation for Annheuser Busch besides actually drinking the crap they produce? I want to support companies that support soldiers, but…I’d rather have a hefferveisen dunkel anyday. Or however you spell that.

Jonn wrote:
It’s heffeweisen (I read enough labels laying on my side in the gutter to know). I can’t drink Bud either…but I can write a nice letter.

Raoul Deming

Back around 1990, the big SFO earthquake. You’d see skids and skids of white soda cans on street corners.

Auggie Busch had one of his brewerys switch to canning water.

That evil capitailst bastard. How are we to keep our imperialist forces fortified and so they can oppress third world people of color in an immoral quest for empire if he’s going to soft on us like that?

Army Sergeant

Nice letter it is! I’ll wait until I get back to duty so I can send it by snail mail from overseas to send my love for beer-givers.


Thanks to all of you for wanting to let Anheuser Busch know you appreciate them. In the “for what it’s worth” category, Bob Stecker in the International Military Sales department is the one who made this happen and with NO issues. He’s fantastic! Every time we talked he mentioned his respect and appreciation for our miitary and you could tell in his voice it was genuine.