VoteVets endorses Sanchez for Texas Senate seat

| April 19, 2011

That nonpartisan organization, VoteVets, which routinely refers to Allen West as a “war criminal” has put aside it’s usually high and stringent moral standards to endorse retired Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez.

“General Sanchez has such a compelling story, and already served this nation honorably and ably,” said Ashwin Madia, an Iraq War Veteran, and Interim Chairman of “We’re always happy to see veterans entering politics as a way to continue their public service, but it’s especially encouraging to see one of our military’s finest minds, like General Sanchez, considering a new life in public service. We could use more people like General Sanchez in public life.”

Talking Points Memo, a notoriously far-right wing nut propaganda rag writes that Sanchez was responsible for the use of dogs during interrogations at Abu Gahraib

The results of a Freedom Of Information Act request by the ACLU in 2005 showed Sanchez had ordered his troops to “exploit Arab fear of dogs”, as well as authorized other harsh interrogation techniques on prisoners. As the BBC reported in 2005, the ACLU said the FOIA’d documents found “the [interrogation] measures go beyond generally accepted practice and says Gen Sanchez should be made accountable.”

The ACLU did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the possibility of a Sanchez run.

Even the ACLU is suddenly silent? Really?

But in Texas, Democrats are saying Sanchez’s positives outpace the negatives that might come with his connection to Abu Ghraib. Former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, which McClatchy called “one of the state’s last high-profile Democrats,” said Sanchez is just the man Democrats are looking for.

I guess there’s nothing that affiliating yourself with the Democrat Party won’t cure in some circles. I can’t wait for the Matthew Alexander/Tony Camarino endorsement.

Category: Veterans in politics

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I return to:

Why in the Sam Hill do folks give groups like VoteVets any credence when the group so willingly undermine its integrity. It’s almost like they’re paid employees following the latest corporate policy.

Adirondack Patriot

Sanchez is being propped up as the left’s next John Kerry/Winter Soldier. He’ll pronounce his scripted “American soldiers cut off ears, placed electrodes on genitals, reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, blah blah blah” tripe. He’ll claim that the Republicans and BushHilterMcChimpCheneyHalliburton created an environment where he had no choice but to follow orders and torture Iraqis.

This guy is a disgrace. I hope he runs and I hope get gets his ass handed to him.


“Former Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, which McClatchy called “one of the state’s last high-profile Democrats,” said Sanchez is just the man Democrats are looking for.”

Decoded: he’s just the chump we need for road kill.

USMC Steve

So it is safe to assume that this guy is a first rate turdmuncher if the VoteVets boobs are sucking up to him?

Zero Ponsdorf

USMC Steve #4: What IS safe to assume is that VoteVets will hump the leg of ANY sort of military type they can make use of.


Well the good news is that in Texas we know that if there is a D next to their name you should vote for the other guy. Its a very simple practice that has served us well.

But it is also how we get people like Rick Perry.
(Lesser of 2 evils me thinks)


Rather curious as to who is being red-shirted for political position in Texas. I’m thinking the position will be the Governor. Bill White lost, but is still viable in Houston and Austin – but obviously not good enough for state-wide election. Where does Perry go after this election? Cornyn’s seat?


Oh, you mean the same Lt Gov Barnes that is alleged to have gotten GWB out of Vietnam?

The same Ben Barnes that was a lobbyist for Big Oil?


It’s nice to know that Vote Vets and the Texas Democratic Party no longer believe that blame for the Abu Ghraib scandal extended all the way up the chain of command.

That was always a stupid assertion anyway. Sanchez didn’t know these sadistic fucks were doing naked pyramids with Iraqis. But neither did Bush. Neither did Cheney. Neither did Rummy.
They created “the climate”!

It does appear that Sanchez authorized the use of dogs in interrogations. Not that I have a problem with that. A big, mean, dog is barking at some Al-Qaeda scumbag and he gets scared? Not a big deal for me. Even so, signing that memo did more to create the “climate” of Abu Ghraib as anything anyone else did.