Isn’t it ironic?
I don’t suppose Gordon Duff sees the irony in his latest incoherent rant “When Conspiracies Go Too Far” in which he defends the missing Obama birth certificate from The Donald;
Trump is a “whacko” and “wingnut.” Problem is, he can go on network TV, even represent Serta Mattresses and nobody challenges him about his outlandish belief that President Obama has been lying about his place of birth.
When I say “outlandish,” consider this; Virtually thousands of people must be involved in this massive conspiracy….
Yeah, and how many thousands must be involved in covering up what Duff considers “the truth” of 9-11? How many people had to have been involved in planting explosives around the supports of the twin towers and the building surrounding them? Not to mention how many people had to have witnessed the demolitions placement.
How many people have to be involved in the endless stream of events that Duff calls “false flag” operations around the world? Bombings in Moscow, the recruitment to Mossad of Mamoud Ahmadinejad, Adam Perlman Gahdan and Usama bin Laden. Not to mention the use of HAARP against the poor unsuspecting Japanese.
But somehow the birth certificate cover-up requires many more people.
In fact, the same publications accuse Obama of being both a Zionist and Muslim at the same time.
Like Duff accuses Ahmadinejad of being a Mossad agent in the same breath that he calls him a hero for standing up to Israel.
In a world of secrecy and deception, is Donald Trump living proof that President Obama may be a stealth “real president?”
If a man is defined by his enemies and I believe he is, could we, I must include myself, be wrong about him?
Yes, Donald Trump proves Obama is the best President we’ve ever had. All Donald Trump proves is that my barber is a lot better than his. And Duff proves me at least semi-coherent.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos
He says a large cast would be required to fake a birth certificate? Really all it would take is one counter fitter and a bureaucrat with a taste for kit kats or something.
now to fake 9/11 literally thousands WOULD be required. And in this “world of secrecy” its damn near impossible to keep a secret anymore. look at the “Secret” CIA prisons. People pretty much knew where they were.
poor boy gets everything bass ackwards. must be tough being a liberal.
Trump has the benefit of most folks understanding that Trump is about Trump. Trump is The Master as self-promotion.
It’s amusing that Trump is trumping the birth certificate shibboleth. Simply asking why there’s an issue gets one marginalized.
Except for Trump. I say sit back, enjoy the show.