TSA profiles known terrorist types

| April 12, 2011

Old Trooper sent us this video of a Transportation Security Agency employee patting down a six-year old girl and sending her for a drug test…ya know because of all of the latest incidents of drug-addled six-year-olds who’ve been used for airline bombings in recent months;

I guess patting down and drug testing six-year-olds is TSA agents sure-fire solution to not accidentally doing their job and catching an actual criminal.

This weekend on my cross-country jaunt, i was sexually-harassed by a twenty-something Asian woman who was a TSA screener in Oakland. She looked at my driver license and then at me. She said “You’ve lost weight. You look good.”

Oh, I’m not complaining…I’m bragging. I sure could have used a pat-down, though. Maybe next time.

On the down-side, though, no one would let me go through the body scanners. I was in the mood to flash someone.

Category: Terror War

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Seriously, Barry, a six year old? You think that the TSA is doing their job, and doing it well by patting down a six year old girl? What, you got intel that the Paki’s or AQ or the Taliban is smuggling semtex into the US in Barbie dolls?
And, a drug screen? For what, gummy bears? Glad you did it though, she definitely looks like a security risk.
Great googly moogly, these morons are ab-so-lutely fucking nuts.


This has gotten so crazy that I’ve begun to wonder if TSA is trying to make a point using reverse psychology. You know, a silent cry for help that their bosses have lost their minds or something. I shudder when I see things like this, because this is just the kind of mentality that manned the gas chambers in the concentration camps.


I heard the head of TSA, John Pistole, quoted today that, although they were thinking of “amending” the guidlines, the TSA will stand by us, and certainly not excuse classes of travelers, like children, or, I guess, elderly citizens either. Glad to hear that TSA will remain ever vigilant, and not allow 6 year olds to bring down a plane.
Oh, and the Standartenfurher in the video did what she was supposed to do, the way she was supposed to do it.


The problem here is that the TSA, as marching orders, refuses to use profiling or as the rest of us would call it, Common sense. It used to be the best tool of law enforcement.

A robbery has just been committed. There is a family with young children in tow crossing the parking lot. There is a young man, hoodie pulled down low over his eyes, casting evasive glances at the officers. If you’re a cop, you stop the young man, maybe find out a little information. To the TSA, all are equally guilty, in spite of all common sense reasoning.


UpNorth and jerry… yup, and yup.
And puke.

Until people stop flying and the airlines get involved in complaining that TSA tactics are ruining their business, nothing will be done about them. I have also heard they’re considering using the same screening techniques on subways and trains.

Traveling by air gives me panic attacks anymore; not because of the plane… but because of the TSA. Until a year ago, I never thought twice about traveling by air. Now I can’t stand it.