The unrepentant liar that is Dicksmith

| April 8, 2011

Seriously, this dude has no shame, nor do any of his cohorts at VoteVets. I submit as evidence a few of their latest. First, a press release on the shutdown, which includes this little nugget of baby shit:

Facts are facts. The Republican House Leadership is wholly responsible for putting us on the course towards a shutdown of the government, and that shutdown will hurt troops and military families. It’s time that they know you’re on to their game, and that you won’t sit idly by.

Lest anyone be confused, Dicksmith knows as much about the political system as I do about the varied works of Justin Bieber. The shutdown is about to occur because in the US we do budgets the year prior, and none was done last year. That is the year when the House was run by Nancy Pelosi you may recall. The “Republican House Leadership” was in the minority last year. Had the Democrat House done it’s job, this would all be moot.

As Dicksmith says, Facts are facts, and his don’t match reality.

Jonn talked about another piece of fecal expulsion the other day, but I wanted to add something. Here it is, discussing the GOP and the Tea Party Caucus:

But then there is the new dominant influence in their caucus. The one made up of war criminals and reality TV stars. These are the lowlifes that actually want a shutdown and aren’t real concerned with whether or not a Soldier can put food in his kids’ mouths.

The “war criminals” thing is a link to stuff about Allen West, and the Reality TV Stars is a link to some more shit about Duffy. That’s a dangerous game to play. First off, anyone remember where Allen West was convicted of a war crime? Anyone? So apparently Dick doesn’t believe in our legal system? Interesting. But, do you really want to start playing that game? What if I were to say that the Democrats were held hostage to a caucus in their party beholden to:

Impeached former judges who take bribes.
Comedians who did mountains of blow while writing TV sketches.
Writers who fantasize about father to son fellatio.
Salty VoteVets candidates with a penchant for young male staffers.
Adulterous, failed Vice Presidential candidates searching for hemlock.

Do you really want to play that game Dick?

Oh, and with regards to that horseshit about rooting for a shutdown, I give you noted Republican theorist, Howard “Screaming Mimi” Dean:

Howard Dean, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, sees an upside to a looming government shutdown – at least politically.

“If I was head of DNC, I would be quietly rooting for it,” said Dean, speaking on a National Journal Insider’s Conference panel Tuesday morning. “I know who’s going to get blamed – we’ve been down this road before.”

If Dicksmith ever says something truthful with honesty and integrity, you can be pretty damn sure he stumbled into it accidentally.

Category: Politics

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Frankly Opinionated

Is there anyone at VoteVets who even knows how to define lucidity? Are they all so far into the ozone that they can’t smell their own farts.

Doc Bailey

It is an interesting psychological phenomenon called “projection”. You play dirty because OBVIOUSLY the other side is, and Lie Cheat and Steal, because well if toy don’t They will beat you to the punch. What really scares me is that most of these clowns never stopped to ask why their way is so unpalatable, or WHAT it is that they truly stand for. Realpolitik at its best (worst).

What scares me is that there are clowns out there that never do their homework and will be whipped into a fervor over something that they don’t understand. The “Vast Right Wing conspiracy” as such. But the funny thing is if there IS a conspiracy it comes from the Left, and they just don’t get that.

AW1 Tim

Well said, TSO. Thanks for saying what needs to be said.

DOC: I agree completely. The problem with our friends on the left is that they, for the most part, are folks who grew older but never grew up. They still use the same arguments as they did when they were in high school, and act like kids throwing tantrums when they don’t get their way.

I am hoping that in 2012 we can finally put adults back in charge, but even if we do, it will take years of conservative stewardship of the government to clean up the mess these children have made, and put our house back in order.


Strange, I don’t recall Dicksmith being at all worried about not having a budget for the past, oh, let’s say 6 months or so? He’s worried now, because it just might kick some shit onto his Messiah.
However, without realizing it, dicksmith did say something true about dems and Ears, “These are the lowlifes that actually want a shutdown and aren’t real concerned with whether or not a Soldier can put food in his kids’ mouths”. He just didn’t know how to put his thoughts in a thoughtful, lucid style, skipping all over the landscape like he did.


@#2, Doc:

“It is an interesting pyschological phenomenon called ‘projection.'”

My grandfather was a straight-speaking simple man of great wisdom. He would have agreed with your assessment, except he would have said it differently. He would have said:

“That’s a man who measures others by his own yardstick.”


Fuck Votevets


What PN’s grandfather said.