Adam Kokesh defects to the Russians

| April 5, 2011

1stCavRVN11B and one of my ninjas sent me this link to Adam Kokesh’s latest venture – a TV show on Russia TV from their studios in DC. I guess he figures its safe to come back to DC now that I’ve left.

Yeah, well, he can talk about how concerned he is about this country, but I remember when he wasn’t.

Ron Paul 059

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Ron Paul

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The Sniper

Dammit what a tool that guy is.


Nice Foster Grants, lmao…..


Yeah you’re right Lilyea he is so Un American for excercising the rights he fought for. I guess he should spend more of his time like you wacking off to picutres of Hannity.


Go fly a kite

Loan VA

Maybe it will work out for him better in Russia.


I understand Jersey Shore operates under the same principle. He kinda looks like Snooki, with the glasses.

Adirondack Patriot

“Yeah you’re right Lilyea he is so Un American for excercising the rights he fought for.”

Uhh, no one is taking away those rights, nutsack.

We’re just exercising (note the correct spelling, knob licker) our right to point out that, like you, he is a douchebag. Like you.

Have a great day, you troll hump.


What a joke. RT is a Russian state sponsored propaganda outlet. Be as critical as you want of US policy, that’s your right, but anyone who collects a paycheck from them to tear down US policy on their channel is a traitor.


Just a reminder, that this flimflam guy is the same person that pretended to be a named SSG and lied about having a CIB among other things.

Oh and in case you ask, I have a CAB now. If you read AR 600 8 22 you will know why it is not a CMB.


>you wacking off to picutres of Hannity.

How original..? Fox News, Hannity, or substitute him for Rush, Beck or O’Reilly.



You sure you’re thinking of the same guy? Kokesh was in the Marines.


wow! what a traitor or can we exercise our right to say this?


Different guy that posted here before.

NR Pax

but anyone who collects a paycheck from them to tear down US policy on their channel is a traitor.

I would have thought that the Russians would pay him in gin and xanax. Isn’t that his going rate?

Zero Ponsdorf

I THINK this is the same channel UJ visits from time-to-time? Maybe Kokesh will have HIM on.

About the only entertainment value I can see?

Zero Ponsdorf

Thanks… I dropped him an email anyway. New show and all.

Kokesh is Gay

Who is that jackass?!


NR Pax, in #14. Nope, they won’t give him the gin and xanax, however they might front him a quart of bad vodka. And, they’ll store his urine for him.

NR Pax

Which is probably a better offer than any other news agency would give him.


Anyone saving these for when Kokesh decides to run for Congress again? I’m guessing shit like this won’t go well in Farmington, Aztec, etc…

Justin Mckay

Thank you Adam for protecting everyone’s right to freedom of speech even if for some is limited to ad hominem attacks and misinformation.


Kokesh on the Mike Church show today. Church is a right/libertarian talk show host on Sirius.