Yeah, don’t bother, Newt
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich who squandered his four years in that chair, told a mega-church audience that he expects to be running for President within the next month or so.
Newt Gingrich said he’s worried the United States could be “a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists,” in the foreseeable future, according to Politico.
Gingrich was addressing Cornerstone Church, a megachurch in San Antonio, Texas, led by the Rev. John Hagee, an influential leader among American evangelicals.
Yeah, don’t bother, Newt, we don’t need your portly visage blocking our view of other more trustworthy, more viable candidates. I don’t worry about a “secular, atheist country”. I worry that absolute pigs like Gingrich might run the country.
Callista Bisek was the last straw. We said we couldn’t trust Bill Clinton because of his infidelities, so what would make us trust you more? I turn the TV off when you’re on because it reminds of how foolish I was to think you were any different than any of the others I despised.
Honestly, I can’t believe that Gingrich has the unmitigated gall to run for anything. I don’t usually talk badly of Republican candidates, but Gingrich deserves it. Two Republicans I don’t mind trashing are Rudy Giuliani and Gingrich…not that I’m a saint, or even a practicing Christian, but people who can’t behave themselves for short periods in their life while they’re in public office can’t be trusted.
Someone tell the RNC to convince these two to leave the party like they did with Pat Buchanan.
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Squandered is the key word… and he did it many times.
“a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists”
Radical Islamists running a secular atheist country… that I want to see. Where is his speechwriter?
Gingrich is another Republican retread. I’m looking for fresh blood. At this moment, I’m looking at Herman Cain. I heard him speak at the first TEA party here in Vegas on April 15, 2009.
I believe he’s doing the “exploratory” thing right now.
I actually have a lot of respect for Gingrich’s intellect but I’d never vote for the man, he’s a partisan, opportunistic scumbag.
I can’t remember who said it but the best (paraphrased) definition I’ve heard of him was “Newt has a billion idea…about 100 of them are really, really good.”
At the end of the day, as an operative Gingrich is finished. His future, if he believed one iota of what he espouses (his spouse, that spouse over there… oh, cheap shot!), is in a think tank building a credible political machine.
He’s got a first class mind. And an inability to keep his zipper up.
I’m with ya on that, OldSoldier. I like Cain a lot.
Frankly, I thought he did pretty well as speaker….at first. I’d never vote for the guy now and wish he’d just go away…..thanks for…well, a couple of things anyway…
Concur, He can best be useful running a think tank or similar consortium to help other conservative candidates. I simply cannot support a man who commits adultery. It’s the ONE sin that I cannot forgive because it destroys relationships, decimates trust and can tear a family apart, especially if there are kids.
I just don’t like Gingrich, he just has the same slimy feel that all career politicians have. We need new blood not this schmuck.
This is the guy who clapped like a trained seal for Dede Scozzafava. He’s DOA.
I think something overlooked here is that that Gingrich doesn’t actually think he can win (or so I think). He’s moving to put himself into a position were he can pull 10-15 points in Iowa and maybe (big maybe) twice that in New Hampshire. With that the man could play King Maker toward the goal of VP or (more realistically) as the new policy guru in the GOP. It’s all about staying relevant.
Newt is another one of those guys that can do much more good by not running.
And unlike Michelle Bachmann, there’s no real upside to him being in the race for a while.
jpj in #9; yep, agree 100%.
Herman Cain all the way!!
Newt pretty much made himself unelectable as dog catcher in Marietta when he backed Scozzafava.
Oh, and NSOM? 30 points for Gingrich? Newsflash–if Romney runs, NH is his to lose.
I’m still on the T-Paw bandwagon. Younger, outsider, pushes economic over social issues, electable, telegenic, good family.
I’d vote for a candidate who was going to make Newt Sec Def or Sec State, but I’d never vote for Newt. He is brilliant, but politically inconsistent and doesn’t carry the message that I want to see from a president (too much Bush, not enough Reagan).
To put it bluntly, the AJC is openly questioning if Gingrich could even win Georgia. As far as Herman Cain is concerned, I’ve been listening to him on the radio for a while, and even supported his senate run to replace Zell Miller in 2004. Is he perfect? Hardly. Is he better than Gingrich? By several miles.
It’s still way early, but I’m with TSO. I like what I see from Pawlenty, although there will be those who take him to task on his fiscal record as Minnesota governor. Me, I’m a bit more pragmatic about that, considering the legislature he has to deal with and the idiot liberal douchebags in Minneapolis which override most of the rest of the state.
I wouldn’t want Newt for Secretary of anything, especially not Defense.
Nobody bags on Pawlenty for his fiscal record-that is rock solid. But he went along with a limited cap and trade deal, and for a while he was all hot and bothered about global warming.
But Sparky is exactly right, he was governor in a state with nearly veto proof Dem majorities. He had to give some ground on less important stuff, or he never would have gotten anything done.
I neither like, respect, nor trust that pudgy turd. He will not have my support because I don’t think he deserves it. Running this guy would be akin to the McCain stupidity. We can definitely do better.
He’s a fat, two-timing, hypocritical windbag who speaks like he’s got a mouth full of gravel.
I agree with you, Joe. That man just makes me cringe. Any time I see him I feel the urge to go wash my hands.
Joe–you talking about Clinton, Schumer, who exactly?
Fat does not equal evil. A person demonstrates evil in what they do, not what they retain.
I’m so happy to hear that you guys don’t like Newt either. For some reason, I would have thought otherwise. Good to know that I can agree with you guys on one more thing 🙂
No, DaveO, fat does not equal evil – maybe a problem with self-control, which Gingrich has obviously exhibited in the past – but in Gingrich’s case, he is both fat and evil.
I’d still rather have Allen West run.
Anonymous in Jax,
Now don’t go getting all lovey-dovey here.
Hey, if Jonn’s gonna start charging us, someone has to provide the prOn!!
That, if anything, qualifies you as needing to get out more.
More than likely, DaveO, more than likely…
I despise newt and would never vote for him.
Ros, I like Allen West too. I don’t know a lot about Cain, but am learning more about him all the time, and like what I’m learning.
Different strokes….. Allen West turns my stomach.
Yeah, Joe, if Gingrich had (D) after his name, you’d be defending him to your death. There are Democrats who are much worse than Gingrich, you know it but won’t raise a hand to them.