Bangor twits in prison
See those folks above? They ain’t smilin’ now. I wrote about them when they got arrested more than two years ago for infiltrating a sub-base in Bangor, Maine Washington State. Nucsnipe sends us this link today;
The five defendants admitted that on Nov. 2, 2009, they cut through the chain link fence surrounding Bangor and walked to Strategic Weapons Facility-Pacific, the weapons storage area. There, they cut through two more barbed wire fences and went inside, putting up banners, scattering sunflower seeds and praying until they were arrested.
Federal prosecutors argued that the protesters had “crossed a line.” The protesters violated the rights of the people on base whose activities they disturbed and placed themselves and others at great risk, prosecutors said.
So they got terms in the federal pound from three to fifteen months.
The defendants, however, maintained that nuclear warheads stored at the base and on submarines there are illegal under international, national and humanitarian law. Settle prohibited them from using international law and the lethality of nuclear weapons as a defense.
“We went to the base to uphold a higher law,” Kelly said.
Which higher law is that? The one that doesn’t get people sent to prison? That crazy hippie law which says whatever you want it to say today?
The judge ordered Kelly to be taken to prison immediately. Settle was going to allow the other defendants to report to prison next month, but when they told the judge they might not show up, he ordered them to be taken to prison immediately.
Smooth move, Exlax.
Category: I hate hippies
Plowshares…what horseshit.
What I remember about “plowshares” is this: “Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who do not”.
Fucking hippies…
The sub base is actually in Washington state; it used to be called Bangor, but I believe the whole thing merged with some neighboring bases and its just called Naval Station Kitsap now. I am, shall we say, intimately acquainted with the weapons storage area in question. These folks are lucky that they didn’t get shot.
I notice one in the back is wearing a collar.
Now he’s got cuffs to match.
You’re damn skippy Scott. I can’t believe they stayed lead free. I was an east coast Boomer sailor and we had big ol’ signs that said “Deadly Force Authorized” and took them seriously.
Don’t forget the poll when you click on the link. Right now its running 74% they should have gotten more time.
Argue all you want about the danger of Nukes, since they have been around there has not been a major war (a-la WWI-WWII) where the entire world is more at less at war. never mind the fact that if they had done something more. . . active they could well have killed God knows how many people.
Such people are irresponsible and a blight on our society as a whole.
John: Just sent a couple more links on another topic
Thank you for the correction on the location.
Yes, the name was changed from Bangor with the merging the former Naval Station Bremerton with Naval Submarine Base Bangor in 2004.
Too funny… I just went to Jonn’s original post and read the comments. I said the same thing then too. LOL. I can’t tell if it’s because it’s just as true today, or I’m just getting old and repeating my Sea Stories. LOL.
As a former Navy missile technician who did the boomer thing, I can tell you for sure that they walked a fine line between a good beating and getting shot. They need to get more jail time just for the ass pain they caused the MAs and command.
They will wear their jug time as a badge of honor, once they get out. I have seen those type around these parts, before. They think it’s cool and gives them some gravitas with the other hippies.
I think they should be made to pay back the cost of their incarceration, once they get out. Take it out of their Social Security checks a little each month.
Oh damn. I lived and worked at and around Bangor. Somebody at the Marine Corps Security Forces company there must have been in some seriously deep crap over that, SWFPAC is no joke.
Old Trooper, it’s worse than that. One’s a priest, and the women are nuns. They are convinced they are “suffering for their convictions,” a la John the Baptist.
Must. Control. Temper.
Without going off on a full-fledged rant…I disassociated myself from the Church because of stuff like this. #1 Spigot has the right idea: the meek don’t inherit the earth; all they inherit is the DIRT.
People like this tend to get off very, very easy. I would be surprised if they served even the meager sentences they were given.
I like the part that says “Trident = Illegal + Immoral”
Ahh…morality! Liberals, and only liberals, are ever premitted to make the moral argument. Only they are allowed to “legislate their morality”.
Them Navy Security squids must have been snoozing while those asshats were cutting through the wire or at a strip club in Bummertown paying good wages to get a free lap dance. rofl!
It’s too bad they didn’t catch a much,much longer stretch and serve it on McNeil Island.
Go Army!
Halt, Halt, damnitt hippie HALT!!!
Brrrrrrtttttt (SAW bunny going cyclic).
re: #16
Actually the security of nuclear weapons on Naval installations (like SWFPac) is the responsibility of the Marine Corps. There’s a Marine Corps Security Forces Regiment made up of 0300’s with secondary MOS qualifiers which provides the companies to individual bases. From what I recall there’y only two companies left, one at Bangor (or Kitsap now) and one at King’s Bay.
Their rules of engagement and capabilities put them outside the range of Navy MAs. You could drives buses of terrorists onto Bangor and start slaughtering people in family housing and they won’t leave their post. They’re also authorized to kill the shit out of you should it be deemed that you are about to compromise the inner perimeter around the weapons.
Growing up in Hawaii, we used to paddle across the mouth of the bay and get on the reef runway to go surfing.
Part of the runway goes thru the base, and there are red lines on the ground that get thicker as you get closer to death.
I remember that the last one was about 3ft thick and warned that you would be shot if you passed it.
I never wanted to find out if it was true.
“They’re also authorized to kill the shit out of you should it be deemed that you are about to compromise the inner perimeter around the weapons.”
Interesting word choice….authorized. I believe that it is now “required” after this latest incident, considering that the inner perimeter was compromised.
It’s still, by my understanding, an ROE issue. The inner perimeter is essentially the area, once breached, that allows access to nuclear weapons. If you’re some tourist who has by some freak chance stumbled into a housing unit they’re obviously not required to kill you, it’s just not…disallowed. These mental midgets probably got into the parking lot and outside area of the warehouse area. I won’t go into details about the facilities for obvious reasons but, while that they got through the fence without interdiction is embarrassing for the Marines, I very much doubt there was ever a real compromise of the facility. The Marines are pretty good about it. As a matter of fact the SEALs sometimes run drills against SWFPac to pretty reassuring affect.
Well, bless them for demonstrating courage in their convictions. Now they can minister to the other convicts. I wonder if they have the capacity to care about the heads that went rolling among the security forces to atone for their trespass?
Concur re the USMC weapons security guards. Back when we had missiles on tenders we had to deal with the Marines. Go to the weapon area to coordinate a missile move and get yelled at by a Marine for being at the door. Try to get a sailor behind the door to talk to, get yelled at by a Marine. Try to coordiate paperwork after a missile transfer, get yelled at by a Marine. Walk too close to their exclusion zone to fine the tender’s missile handling supervisor, get yelled at by a Marine. It was always 8 ways of ass pain to deal with anyone behind the Marines.
You are correct. It was embarrassing. It was an ROE issue.
ROTFLMAO…at Spigot’s comment. Thanks bro…got my BP down. I’m also ROTFLAMAO at the picture of those assholes. None of them have found a life beyond the 60’s. I’d vote for more time but am afraid the priest and the nun’s just might enjoy it too much…if you catch my drift.
God…these are all the same assholes I had to deal with when I got home many many moons ago. Same smug..”we’re better than you!” smiles. Wish those Marines would have lit them up…really…I do.
Honor and Courage
They could care less about anyone but themselves. I’ve had run-ins with similar types when NASB had certain weapons assigned. We also had a company of Marines on base, and they were NEVER in anything but full-bore mode when on duty.
These folks are NOT Christians, despite their “callings”. They long ago gave up the right to minister to anyone anywhere for anything. they are vile, despicable people who care only about themselves. They’ll get their just rewards later on, and it won’t be what they are expecting.
AW1 Tim,
I agree that these folks are not Christian. Their deeds undermine The Word.
Sorry for all the yelling Bobo; haranguing Navy folks was one of the very few highlights of an otherwise excruciatingly boring job. 😉
“They’re also authorized to kill the shit out of you should it be deemed that you are about to compromise the inner perimeter around the weapons.”
And that is why to this day I can recite the definition of deadly force in my sleep.
“that they got through the fence without interdiction is embarrassing for the Marines”
Undoubtedly asses were chewed all up and down the chain of command. I have a pretty good idea the kind of extra work this fiasco would have created for the company, and I’m just glad I wasn’t there when it happened.
I’ve been on NSB Bangor a few times. Warning signs everywhere between Upper and Lower Base stating that you NEVER, EVER, EVER get out of your car for any reason. Get a flat? Stay INSIDE the car and wait for the jarheads. They’re there, they see you, and they’ll be there to assist you most ricky-tick.
And let’s not get into the little security “extras” that they have on the Delta Pier, EHW, and the CIA in Bremerton.
Since the 2 nuns and the priests never worked in a job that paid wages and they are over 65 the federal goverment paid them SSI the federal welfare system, just like all the old Russians living around here. Since they are off to prison their checks will stop. It’s not much and the USA would be better off if the Marines put a few 5.56’s in the 10 ring!
I clicked on the link and was astounded to discover that the priest is a Jesuit.
“Soldiers of Jesus/God” my ass…Inigo Lopez de Loyola (aka Ignatius Loyola) has been spinning in his grave for decades over his Order’s decline into pussification.
@31…and their decline into political activism.
@32 – In another galaxy far, far away….They’d of been met with so much firepower, that God himself would’ve sent ’em a prior warning. “Stay away from that weapons area, those Army MP’s WILL flat out light your asses up”. 😉
FYI, its mostly marines and some sailors that stand duty in the area these hippies got into. sailors patrol the surrounding areas in the base. i was stationed there from 06-08 with Marine Corps Security Force Battalion Bangor and it was still called NBK Bangor til the day i left. Naval Base Kitsap refers to that, keyport and bremerton. although deadly force is authorized there are very strict ROE’s that prevented us from shooting 5 senior citezens with nothing but signs and sunflower seeds…
I was a marine stationed there 76-79. There are several
perimeter levels needed to get through to get to the real nukes and weapons. The most interior perimeter then called the Main Limited Area, was guarded by marines. Trust me, we were bored and itching to use our deadly force on someone. You’d be committing suicide trying to get into the last level.