Bellavia updates
Like I wrote yesterday, David Bellavia has turned in enough signatures to get on the ballot for the special election for New York’s 26th Congressional District in order to replace the half-naked millionaire Chris Lee who resigned from the seat earlier this year. However the $800/hour lawyers of his Republican opponent, Jane Corwin, also a multi-millionaire, self-financed candidate like Lee, are tearing through his petitions. Bellavia’s other competitor, Jack Davis, has not contested the petitions and has asked Corwin to do the same;
March 24, 2011
Statement from Jack Davis, candidate in the special election for U.S. Congress (NY-26) nominated by 12,000 voters, on full access to the ballot:
We believe in democracy and the people’s right to choose their representatives.
As in my own campaign, thousands of people signed petitions for David Bellavia to be on the ballot in the May 24th special election for Congress. David deserves the same blessings of liberty here at home which he fought to bring to the people of Iraq. As a citizen, a veteran and a patriot, I honor his service and his bravery.
David Bellavia has more than earned his place on the ballot.
The Jack Davis campaign will not challenge the nominating petitions David Bellavia has filed.
Jane Corwin should do the same.
The Corwin campaign should stop trying to keep David Bellavia off the ballot. She should do the right thing, and, as our campaign does, respect David’s defense of democracy and respect the wishes of the people of this district to have a fair and open election.
David played for me a message on his v-mail in which some guy rattled through David’s credit report (had to have been a lawyer) and offered David $75k to drop out of the race if Bellavia would meet him at secluded spots to pick up the cash. Bellavia told me that there were subsequent calls (from throw-away cell phones) in which he was asked how much he’d take to drop out of the race.
In polling last week, Bellavia led the four-way race by two points and he wasn’t even on the ballot. Obviously someone is feeling the heat.
Category: Veterans in politics
Well, I’m still gearing up for a road trip to the district either way. Knowing he led even one poll suits me.
The fucking nerve of the establishment pukes to think they could buy off one of the most honorable people out there!! I’m sick and tired of the entrenched mentality of the republican establishment types to think that only money will win the day. Look around, fuck-nuts, the people are tired of your antics as much as they are the democrats. I guess you dumbasses haven’t learned from the 2010 election, eh? Well, David is going to give you a remedial lesson in honor and integrity, ya bunch of elitist assholes.
Sorry for the profanity laced rant, but this kind of shit pisses me off.
What Old Trooper said!
OT #2: Wish I’d said that! Thing is… I don’t think David will join The Pampered Princes on the Potomac. That suits me fine. Met him a coupla times and I’ll believe that until… Many others relish joining THAT lot, I think he’s different.
Zero; David will be in good company with Allen West, I’m sure. Nothing like having a couple of warriors scaring the skivvies off the establishment pukes.
Post the audio of the call.
This Corwin person, is the personification of ALL that is wrong with the Republican Party and is EXACTLY why I’m a registered Independent.
Honor is a foreign language to them and Money is their God. Money is another name for Mammon and Mammon is just a facet of the character of the Evil One. They serve Satan and think they do Good.
I despise this kind and though by charity I would be required to pee on her face if her hair was on fire, I would be very reluctant.
I and my brethren pray for you David. If He wants you elected, you will be. Her money is irrelevant because He loves the upright and confounds the arrogant who trust in their wealth and not in Him.
Doesn’t mean you can kick back. Do all that you know how to do and He will do the rest. Despite her money.
Jonn, Tell David to get a phone bank setup. Those of us that can’t make it up there to him help out, can make calls to the registered voters in his district.
David VS Goliath…we know who won that. Go DAVID!!!!!!!!!!11
Unbelievable…okay, maybe not… Sounds like this Jack Davis at least has some character…
David will be represented and will most likely win any challenge to his petitions. I went through the same thing last year when mine were challenged and the requirements for David’s signatures are less stringent.
It was good politics for Jack Davis to say he wouldn’t challenge the petitions. We’ll see if Corwin goes the same route, but I suspect her advisors will recommend a challenge.
The phonebank idea is a good one.
I have some ideas for road trips through the district visiting all the small business owners on behalf of David sort of a promotion/listening tour. Videoing the interviews when possible.
I think this is winnable although I don’t minimize the difficulties. The area is mostly rural so lots of boots on the ground are necessary.
I would be extremely careful of those offers coming in. They may be “pranks” from this a**hole – He is the same one who pranked Gov Walker in WI. Ian Murphy is just the kind of jerk who would do those same things to Bellavia. Watch out!
Even as a prank it is a felony
Be nice to see him do some time in the big house…
Day – true. But my point is, with murphy in the race, it should be assumed that every encounter might become a “gotcha” moment and will be videotaped..l.
He loves the upright and confounds the arrogant who trust in their wealth and not in Him.
And alas, we still wound up with Obama.
Rooting for Bellavia here, hope the warrior wins the battle.
Hey Dan? The nice thing about it is, if David will get a phone bank setup, Lilyea pretty much knows whom is whom here. The rest will need to be vetted before it gets underway and put a halt to praksters? Up to you, David.
Jacobite #15,
I hear you, brother. I suspect the current POTUS is as unto a severe dose of Chemo and Radiation to save a terminal cancer patient.
I won’t say the analogy is perfect, but look how awake so many Americans are now. Do you think that would have happened with Maverick? I don’t think so.