Americans have a keen eye for the obvious

| March 24, 2011

From Reuters;

Only 17 percent of Americans see President Barack Obama as a strong and decisive military leader, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken after the United States and its allies began bombing Libya.

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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[…] bit earlier Jonn noted a poll that said that 17 percent of Americans see President Barack Obama as a strong and decisive military […]


Seventeen percent think he’s stong?


A point for discussion: (and in fairness, not an original idea by me, but I can’t find the source I read this morning. When I find it, I’ll cite it properly)

It is time to rethink the role of the POTUS. The Founders created sufficient checks and balances to prevent a POTUS from becoming a de facto king.

My argument on this:

Since long before readers here were born, the US and indeed the globe expects the POTUS to be a global Supreme Leader in matters great and small. The criticisms of Mr. Obama on Libya, or of Mr. Bush after Hurricane Katrina reflect the attitude that the POTUS is The go-to leader in every situation.

The first problem with returning the POTUS to a more Originalist bent is that the Congress lacks the education and experience to be the equal player of the Executive branch. The Senate does not represent the States, and Senators have become just longer-serving representatives. The concept of a Democrat Senator taking his or her marching orders from the Republican or Independent Governor of a state is alien to our Nation, but this was not always so (and vice versa on those roles, BTW).

Second problem is the extremity of activism by the courts. There’s no law made today, at any level, that can’t be tossed out by a judge in a contrary mood. This heavily degrades the skills of law-writing and negotiation because anyone in opposition simply shops for a judge who invalidates the law.

The courts should be a fulcrum for the POTUS and the Congress, but with the President having been given, and having assumed greater amounts of power, the courts have ceded balance and have become dime-store despots, making and enforcing their own rules.

Okay, now to find the link.


I read this and immediately picture Nipper, the RCA dog….with his head cocked to one side, one ear bent in a quizzical manner.

WHO are these 17%? I mean, really? You loose your right to vote….sorry, but you’re too stupid.


“You lose your right to vote….sorry, but you’re too stupid.” Thanks for that, Sponge, almost got my keyboard with my coffee.
Indeed, who are these people, and where in the world have they been for the last two years+? Are they all just denizens of DU? Kosbots?