Terrorism on a budget
The world’s economic woes have apparently hit the Yemeni branch of al Qaeda, The Detroit Christmas underwear bomber admitted that Detroit became the target of his nefarious attempt because it was cheaper to fly into Motown than Chicago or Houston (AP/Stars & Stripes link);
After the failed bombing and the arrest of suspected bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the question of why Detroit was targeted had gone unanswered. It was previously reported that Abdulmutallab did not specifically choose Christmas for his mission.
Abdulmutallab considered Houston, where he attended an Islamic conference in 2008, current and former counterterrorism officials told the AP. Another person with knowledge of the case said Abdulmutallab also considered Chicago but was discouraged by the cost. All spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case.
So I guess Democrats will use raising airport taxes as a defense against terrorists now.
Category: Terror War
I could give a rats hind leg about why he “chose” Detroit. What really interests me is why he’s still breathing.
If he really wants to blow something up, then I say we let him. Put him on a plane in Detroit, launch it and then have the pilot bailout. The resulting crash into Detroit could then be considered “urban renewal”.