Maher vs. Ellison; how to pick sides?
Apparently, douche bag Bill Mahr on his show last night got to tell douche bag Keith Ellison that the Koran is a “hate-filled holy book” that inspired terrorism. I don’t find any reports that Ellison broke down and cried like he did at the congressional hearings last week. But according to the Daily Caller, Leftist Mahr said what those of us on the Right are forbidden to say in public about terrorist extremist elements;
“They are trying to get nuclear weapons,” Maher continued. “I don’t think Tim McVeigh would ever have tried to get a nuclear weapon because I think right-wing nuts, they think they love this country and they are not trying to destroy this country, they want to get it away from the people they see as hijacking it. That’s different than Muslim extremists who want to destroy it.”
Maher also listed “a culture of suicide bombing, which is hard to deter.”
Ellison responded that he believed Maher was “lumping together things that shouldn’t be lumped together” and “casting a very wide net and therefore coming to the wrong conclusions.”
Maher maintained his position that the Quran inspired radicalism, but also clarified, “No one is disputing that the vast vast giant majority of Muslims are not the problem. We’re talking about a very small percentage. It just takes one. That’s what we’re talking about when we’re talking about terrorism.”
Maher stated, “obviously there is something going on, that they’re getting from the Quran.”
Ellison suggested that “books are complex” and hold various meanings and interpretations. Maher responded, “I don’t buy it,” then mockingly said that he must have seen “a lot of bad translations.”
Yeah, books are complex…it’s the book’s fault. The Bible and the New Testament are pretty complex, too, but I don’t hear about Christian human bombs, or Jewish bombers in market places taking out a few hundred innocent people.
I won’t be tuning in to Maher’s show anytime soon, but at least he got to tell Ellison what most of us are thinking.
Category: Terror War
They are both douchebags, but…
Ellison wins the prize for douchiest. i just want to tear my hair out when he says this crap. It’s always the same with the Muslim apologists. No matter how many times you say that you’re not talking about all Muslims, they always accuse you of blaming all Muslims. It’s obligatory to always issue that caveat (“I’m not talking about all Muslims”) before having any conversation about radical Islam. It’s almost annoying to have to say it, but you do have to say it. Even so, no matter how many times you say it, there will always be the Keith Ellison’s of the world who will say that you are “lumping together things that shouldn’t be lumped together” and “casting a very wide net and therefore coming to the wrong conclusions.”
And, to Bill Maher’s credit, he’s at least being consistent. He’s an anti-religious bigot, but at least he (sometimes) directs some of that hate toward Islam, unlike his fellow liberals who bend over backward to prove how un-Islamophobic they are. Liberals act as if they only give as much respect to Islam as they do all other religions, but the truth is that they disdain Christianity and tap-dance around the hard truths of Islam. If you want an example of that, just look to Ron Schiller of NPR. He sits down with a group of fundamentalist Muslims who claim on their website that they want to spread Sharia Law, then he accepts their offer of five million dollars, then he expends copious amounts of breath bashing Christians. Not all Christians of course, just the ones who believe in Christianity, the “fundamenalists”. Meanwhile, he’s sitting across the table from a fundamentalist Muslim who would love to cut his damned head off.
“Ellison responded that he believed Maher was “lumping together things that shouldn’t be lumped together”. WTF is Ellison, or Hakim, which is a name he used when he was representing a bunch of gang bangers, trying to actually say? What is being lumped that shouldn’t be? Suicide bombers and the Quran? Hey, Hakim, they ain’t doing it cuz they couldn’t get their soy double latte from the local Starbucks. Odds are, they blow themselves and the nearest civilians, Muslim, Jew or assorted other infidels, up because their fucked-up version of Islam commands them to do it, or their Imam told them it was cool, Allah permits it. But, in the end, Atta and the rest, and the current suicide bombers do it, or did it, and they’re Muslim.
You can try to disconnect the two facts, but you really can’t.
My hatred of Maher is very strong and I would love to just pop him upside his head…a promise I made to myself a long time ago. Ellison is just trying to do what everyone in his situation does, make it into an emotional issue. I am thinking of a thunderdome like situation: two “men” enter one “man” leaves.
Maher tells it like it is. Some times the truth hurts. Sorry morans (I got the spelling from a tea bagger’s sign).
Chirp chirp………chirp chirp…………
Who ARE these people??? They’ve been appearing and disappearing for days now!
PN: they are unpaid intern-trolls, usually in their second year of being a sophomore.
I’ve been ignoring them, but jeez, what a pain in the neck!