Melvin Bledsoe vs. VoteVets

| March 11, 2011

Unsurprisingly, VoteVets has released a statement condemning the hearings being conducted in the House of Representatives into extremist Muslims in the United States.Also unsurprisingly, Votevets misses the whole point;

Rep. King is doing our troops no favors, as he specifically targets Muslims, and only Muslims, in his hearings on domestic terrorism. A key part of the work of our troops abroad is winning the hearts and minds of the people in any country we operate, and as of right now, most of them are Muslims. When they hear that the American government considers Islam a threat, and is investigating American Muslims, it only bolsters the message of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups that we are in a war with Islam. Every wrong signal can be exploited, as we are in this important fight, and we must be extra-vigilant in ensuring that nothing we do aids the underlying message of our enemies, as they seek to recruit.

Of course, everything we do “aids the underlying message of our enemies, as they seek to recruit” according to the Left. Which is how Hasan was able to shoot scores of people at Fort Hood despite exuding warning signs. That’s why Carlos Bledsoe was still running around and was able to shoot two soldiers outside of a recruiting station in Arkansas despite training in Yemen with a Somali passport and being questioned by the FBI.

Bledsoe’s father was at the hearings yesterday and according to Arkansas Online had this warning for America;

Melvin Bledsoe spoke as part of a panel before the House Homeland Security Committee, telling the members that Muhammad had a perfectly normal childhood before something changed when he went to college in Nashville, Tenn.

Bledsoe said his son converted to Islam while at school and later went to Yemen, where he was “manipulated and lied to” as he took part in a training camp run by terrorists.

“This is a big elephant in the room,” said Bledsoe, who opened his remarks expressing sympathy for the shooting victims and their families. “Our society continues not to see it … We are losing American babies. This country must stand up and do something about the problem.”

That statement from someone who has witnessed the radicalization of an American citizen stands in stark contrast to the statement from VoteVets. Of course, VoteVets relates everything to the welfare of the troops from our energy policy to getting draft dodger Harry Reid elected. But this is just ridiculous on it’s face.

They say “only Muslims” like there’s no war going on at all any where in the world involving radical Muslims. That there have been no attempts on American lives in our own country by radical Muslims.

If Representative King was truly concerned about the threat of domestic terrorism, his hearings would cast a wide net, and examine every threat, regardless of heritage or religion. That would not only help us better understand threats within the United States, but would also make clear to the larger world that we do not target Muslims because of their religion

Yeah, you fucking ignorant dumbasses, it has nothing to do with their religion, and everything to do with their intentions.

Category: Terror War

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Remember when Christian cult activity was first exposed, and Christians ran around saying that it was just a way to persecute the Christian faith? And then Jim Jones and Jonestown happened, and Christians came to a screeching halt as they realized that the faith was being used by madmen for their insane ends.

Why is this so hard for the Muslim community to understand? Do they fear the Islamic faith would cease to exist without its fanatics that kill its “enemies”?


OK, dude had me until the “we’re losing American babies” part.

May be, just maybe, a part of the problem is that we look upon our young men as children.


@PN – Cognitive reasoning, doesn’t exist in the 7th Century…