“You’re f***ing dead” is the new “Hi. Nice shoes.”

| March 1, 2011

Cortillaen and Old Trooper sent links from HotAir and Newsbusters to the report of a Wisconsin assemblyman turning to his female counterpart and telling her “You’re f***ing dead”

“After the vote to engross, he turns to a female conservative Republican, who is also from the Oshkosh area, looks at her and says, ‘You are f—ing dead,’” Sykes said. “He didn’t say ‘f—ing,’ he said the whole thing. He says to a female colleague, ‘You are f—ing dead.’”

No one actually heard him say it, but he did apologize for it, so it stands to reason. Of course, Gordon Hintz, the pussy who threatened his female colleague, Michelle Litjens, is under a lot of pressure since he was arrested the previous day for patronizing a “happy ending” massage parlor.

And of course, the drive-by media completely ignores the incident in the post-Gabrielle Gifford new climate of civility. Well, you can’t really blame them what with Lindsey Lohan facing jail time and Charlie Sheen’s rants on Alex Jones’ show. I mean, it’s all so distracting for the serious media.

Category: Liberals suck, Media

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You think this is something? Wait until 2012!

Old Trooper

I’m not interested in taking the high road, anymore. Politics isn’t a gentelman’s game in this day and age and it’s time to start turning the Alinsky tactics back on the bastards. Spread around that he was at the “happy ending” massage parlor. make sure people in his district are well aware of his philandering and death threats. Start throwing this crap back at them. Picket his house, and neighborhood. “Get in their faces”, as the Obamessiah told his supporters. Turn it back on them and see how long it takes for them to start crying like the pussies they are.


What’s truly disheartening is the wide acceptance of the fantasy that there was ever an era in the US when politics WAS a gentleman’s sport. It’s SUPPOSED to be contentious. I wouldn’t mind seeing honor duels make a comeback. 😉


Ummm, when did guys start noticing women’s shoes, unless she’s doing the tarantella in spiked heels on one’s forehead?


I’m still waiting for Paul Krugman to jump all over this one with both feet and condemn the Assemblyman like he did Sarah Palin when Rep. Giffords was shot.

Oh, wait–there are facts and a story here, so Mr. Krugman won’t be able to look like a jackass by making rash assumptions. Nevermind.

Doc Bailey

Its nice to know that Those That Defend All That Is Woman (the capitols are not a mistake) are such Gentlemen. And to think, being taught to hold doors for women was proof that I am a misogynist pig.


In which case, Doc, I’ll take a misogynist pig any day! 🙂