Thick-headed WI hippies

| February 27, 2011

I saw this yesterday at Ace of Spades and Blackfive. Sparky sent us a link this morning to the video that Ann Althouse and her companion shot;

Hippies piled up their crap around a war memorial in Mad City on Friday. Ann’s companion tries to explain to the dense moron hippies how their irreverence for the meaning of the memorial could actually hurt their cause. Finally, he gets it through one of their thick heads and the bimbo promises to clean up the memorial. Well, Ann went back yesterday, and this is what the memorial looked like yesterday;

And of course there’s no one in Madison to tell the filthy, smelly hippies to do what they know is right.

In related news, Legal Insurrection and Gateway Pundit report that the MoveOn-sponsored nation-wide rally of one million protesters fell woefully short of their goal. I guess they’re not as popular outside their echo chamber as they thought.

Category: I hate hippies

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Same guy from the original video, wearing the same green T-shirt. Seems to me that there’s even MORE crap around the memorial.

AW1 Tim

None of them care. It’s all about THEM, and the only time they give a rat’s patoot about anyone or anything else is if they think it will benefit THEM in some manner.

This is why we need a civics test before anyone is allowed to register to vote. Don’t pass the test, you don’t get to vote.

Heck, I had to pass a test to get a driver’s license, I had to pass a test to get a hunting license, so you might think that something as important as voting might require a certain level of competency, no?


Wow! You can just see the contempt oozing out of that last gal’s eyes as she basically tells them what they want to hear to shut them up. I’m 37 years old and back in college. I’ve seen these freaks everyday and you have no idea how hard it is to not simply curbstomp some sense into them. Swallowing the socialist dogma spewed in universities across the world. It disgusts me.

Old Trooper

I wonder if they would like us to desecrate one of their “peace” memorials in such a manner? These little bastards were never brought up with any sense of respect for anything, other than what they deem important. They have no sense of history or sacrifice. They think they do, but then again, their sense of courage is cowardice and their impression of those that have made the ultimate sacrifice is someone who gets to the coffee shop in a blizzard to bring back a double non-fat soy latte for their fellow squatters.

Worthless douchebags.

SoCal Pir8

you’d expect anything else? These people card nothing for this country, its history, heritage, or its future, only their own selfish greed and power. Educate our children? Well, they’ll show up for work but that’s about it. Look at the recently released reading levels for WI’s 8th graders.

This ‘demonstration’ has been run by the socialist from the beginning.


I love how the idiot asks if the dead servicemember would have supported their cause.. Yeah, because dying so you could take up a cause wasn’t good enough!

CI Roller Dude

I’ve spent over 30 years fighting for America’s rights to be free…as a soldier and as a cop,
but these dumbass turds are about as dumb as they come. It’s sad that there are so many living in America who have no idea that doing something like this just shows how selfish and stupid they are. Oxygen Bandits. they’re stealling the air that good citizens could be using.


@ Stonewall

I am also 37 and back in college. I have to hope that some of this ignorance goes away with life lessons. I was a raving ignorant in my early 20’s. Being a military wife under Clinton and figuring out someone had to pay for all this crap helped cure that real quick; but I listen to some of the students I am in class with and wonder if I was ever that young?


I’m starting to really lose patience with these fucktards. In my current job, I’m OBLIGATED (since NH is a closed shop state) to belong to a union as a condition of my employment, but there’s no way in hell the local of which I’m a member would piss on veterans the way these people have.

Spineless little shits, the whole lot of them.


#4 OT,

Know why there are no memorials to peace?

The peaceniks can’t tear their eyes away from the mirror long enough to make one.

Alternate ending: “Litter IS Peace, man.”

Old Trooper

I bet they would wet their pampers if a group of Vets were to walk through there and disrespect and destroy all their crap. Problem is, we are more respectful than they are, but they shouldn’t count on that respect being infinite. Eventually, they will step over a line further than they already are and it will not be a nice wake up call.


40 years ago, smelly hippies were staging sit-ins and protesting to change the system. Today, the same smelly hippies are staging sit-ins and protesting to maintain the status quo.

Fuckin ironic, ain’t it?


Those m’fer’s, LOL. Lemme at ’em! ROFL!


Ironic, indeed, Sparky. The more things “change”, the more they never change.


Luckily I don’t live in Madison WI. I wouldn’t have been nice to those schmucks. I would have given them precisely one minute to remove their signs and table. Then of course I probably would have been arrested.