Mark your calenders for March 19

| February 25, 2011

The Left is planning another anniversary march in DC for some idiot march they had back in the 60s. It’s scheduled for March 19th this year in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. My old friends, the DC Chapter of the Free Republic, are planning a counter-protest;

The DC Chapter of FReeRepublic is once again organizing a Support Our Troop Rally to counter the anti-American protest by ANSWER, Code Pink, IVAW and other moonbats.

WHERE: We have permitted FREEDOM PLAZA (Main gathering point) and the Arlington MEMORIAL CIRCLE (If the moonbats to march to the Pentagon).

DATE: Saturday, March 19,2011
TIME: 11AM till we are no longer needed to support our troops (3PM or so)

FReeRepublic thread

We will organize at Freedom Plaza and go to the White House for noon.

Some small details are still being worked out. But we will have banners, signs, flags and hot drinks. Feel free to bring whatever you want.

Please spread the word. Last year they had about 500 people, or so they said.

Thanks and hope to see some of you there.

Trooprally on FReeRepublic

AS ALWAYS: Rules of engagement are – obey and respect law enforcement, no foul language, no violence

I’ve enjoyed the DC Chapter and their protests since the Clinton years, and they inspired the counter-protests which have sprung up across the country, most notably, the March 2007 counter protest which marked the birth of the Gathering of Eagles.

If you’ve got space on your calender and the money to make the trip, please do. I’m rearranging some stuff to make it this year.

Category: Protests/Rallies

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Zero Ponsdorf

I’m troubled some by the lack of response here, and at FR. You might have been on the right track earlier about a sort of simple tiredness in places.

It ain’t on my list either, BTW. So do us proud if you make it.


Lets see here…..high unemployment + very high fuel prices + the need to live + nobody gives a damn + too many people would rather lay down and take it up the arse than fight =’s _______

Well by gawd Zero, you are correct!

Toothless Dawg

Yeah the word has gone out at a couple other sites as well. My gut feeling is that we will be a far cry from the turnout on March 17, 2007. I was there then, I will be there now. The people I’ve talked with are going to be at the Wall. We’ll have to see where we go from there, if anywhere.


Count me in!