Maybe WI students are better off with their teachers on strike

| February 25, 2011

I’m just sayin’;

Thanks to Bev Perlson for the picture.

Category: Schools

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Old Trooper

If asked, she probably would say “day teached me good in skool”.


Maybe she “seen this” at another demonstration. “Your” and idiot but typical.

AW1 Tim

She best be carful or shell end up in irak wiff Jon Kerry u no?


Isn’t irony cool?


A recent study showed that less than 40% of 8th graders in Wisconsin can read at a “proficient level”. Maybe the kids should just use the pause button on their PS3’s and X-Boxes when graphics come up and lern to spel? I don’t even want to think about what they come up with when they try to add 2+3.


That was so retarted that it actually dumbstruck me for a while. Its another one of those Billy Madison moments…


[…] This ain’t Hell… thinks that maybe the kids in Wisconsin are better off with their teachers on strike […]


hopefully she’s a cafeteria worker giving moral support . . . and not an english teacher!