Saudi arrested in TX for plotting terrorist attack

| February 24, 2011

It looks like the FBI foiled another plot by a Saudi student according to the Associated Press;

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, attending college near Lubbock, Texas, was charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. Federal prosecutors say he had been researching online how to construct an improvised explosive device using several chemicals as ingredients.

One of his targets were reportedly George W. Bush’s Dallas home.

Category: Terror War

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I read the article, and it sounds like the chemical company rep was paying attention, also. That’s not going to stop this kind of thing, but it will definitely slow them down.

Bob Izzaninja

Why do we still consider Saudi our “ally”? We already have troops in Kuwait and Iraq, Saudi is just a short bomber ride away.

Old Trooper

I’m glad they’re grabbing these rank amateurs. I say he was an amateur, because if he knew what he was doing, he wouldn’t have gotten caught so easily. He made critical mistakes right out of the gate.


Someone needs to create a website just to keep track of all these terrorist attacks inside the U.S. for reference purposes.
It would be a handy place to point moonbats to when they argue that we haven’t been attcked since 9/11.


What?!!!Heh. Acquired Chemicals and mass destruction used in the same sentence and an arrest of a religion of peace follower? No, say it isn’t so!! MF’er!! Nice work.

There are heads exploding at the huffpo, du, dk. Indeed.