Irony in Wisconsin

| February 24, 2011

The Blaze puts up a video of a little fat man with a funny who ridicules Glenn Beck for pointing out that there are socialists involved in the Wisconsin protests.

If he’d taken a breath and looked to his right or left, the little fat man with a funny hat would have nticed that there were actual socialists marching all around him complete with their socialist banners and socialist signs;

You can taste the irony.

Category: I hate hippies, Liberals suck

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Doc Bailey

You have to wonder sometimes, if they ever get that some of the “Right Wing propaganda” is actually something we like to call the Truth.


No, Doc, that whizzes right over their clueless heads.


This whole business in Wisconsin angers me. I cannot believe how the different players involved with this are acting.

Every last one of them ought to be run out on a rail.


This is Madison. They think irony is how Alanis Morissette defined it…..

Bob Izzaninja

The Madison chief of police is now speaking out openly against the Gov. Looks like someone doesn’t like job security.


Want to see something really stupid? How about a “solidarity” rally here in Georgia…a right to work state…


We’ve had a similar event here in AZ (also a right to work state)last week, absolutely silly.

Bob Izzaninja

I just read that the mayor of Madison is siding with the chief of police in Madison and both are speaking out against the Gov.