Extremist cleric to march on White House for Sharia

| February 20, 2011

The Daily Mail reports that extremist cleric, Anjem Choudary, is planning a protest at the White House on March 3rd in support of bringing Sharia Law to the US;

Mr Choudary told the newspaper: ‘The event is a rally, a call for the Sharia, a call for the Muslims to rise up and ­establish the Islamic state in America.’

He added: ‘I think the American people’s hearts and minds are open to receive Islam as an alternative way of life. We expect thousands to come out and support us.’

I wonder how many Democrat congressmen are changing their schedules at this moment to accommodate participation.

Category: Terror War

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So, how safe would this rally be for a single white female blogger?



About as safe as walking in Harlem at about midnight on Saturday.

Frankly Opinionated

Anyone think that he will be denied access to this platform? Hell, the whitehouse will build his stage and offer him Secret Service Security.
What in hell have we done to ourselves with this “Great Society” plan that is killing us?
Now, I can see why we kicked GOD out of schools, out of government buildings, off our currency. It is so we can get ready to worship “their” GOD.
They are Treasonous Bastards that will allow this to take place.

Old Trooper

Skye,don’t go to the rally. Just a piece of cautious advice from a friend. While I dont’ think anything will necessarily happen; why put yourself in that position? If you do decide to go, bring some Vet buds with you.


Why is this bastard ebven given a visa? He should be on the list of undesirable aliens.


Frankly, he strikes me as Islam’s answer to the Phelps clan. Not packed in real tight upstairs, if ya know what I mean.

Old Trooper

The problem is, Sparky, that he’s just the most vocal. There are others out there that agree with his call. If you come to Minnesota, stop by the gas station/convenience store on Post Road just outside of the airport. You will get the idea from going there. Many non-muslims just stay away from there, especially women.


I suggest that the FBI take LOTS of pictures of everyone who shows up for that rally and track them closely. Not to be politically incorrect, but…target rich environment.

Bubblehead Ray

I say we encourage this gathering..and then call in the airstrike.


There some counter-protesters working on gearing up for this ass clown’s visit. If any of you are interested let me know.
streetsweeper95b at gmail.com

A conference call is on at 5PM EST for 3/19 and this too I guess. Send an email if you wish to join and I will email you the link to the call.


I doubt any demo cruds would be so stupid as to be seen in public with such a radical idiot, but I guess we should never over estimate the common sense of the lowest common denominator.

I agree with NHSparky’s sentiments, this clown is just another one of those media attention hogs just itching for a very public confrontation and fight.

In fact I think him and his possee are going to say and do things to DELIBERATELY antagonize people and get them so wound up they’ll want to beat his and his supporter’s asses up. And then he’ll turn around and act all “dignified” and claim that he is the peaceful one and everyone else is out to persecute him and his kind.

Never count out how devious these people are.

But it sucks, you want to mount opposition to this clown yet at the same time it feeds into his plans, which is to stir interest and curiosity, as they say there is no such thing as bad publicity.

But in the end though, I think the benefits of a huge public gathering and intimidation of this clown far, FAR outweighs any such potential negatives. Of course I am not advocating violence, but do we want to be like other countries where the local populace are cowarded into saying and doing nothing when challenged, or are we gonna show the world that we never have been and NEVER WILL be sharia law or whatever the heck they want to call it. As they say these colors don’t hide.

Doc Bailey

its so nice to know that far from recognizing the abject terror of Sharia (really boils down to “I said you did bad so off with your hand”) so many happy people are embracing it? I bet Barry will even be a guest speaker.


So long as breath exists in my body and the fire of life exists in my soul, I shall never submit to these heathens and their pursuit of a worldwide Islamic state. Sharia law, from my understanding, is nothing more than returning society to the 7th century. Women’s rights will cease to exist. Other cultures, religions and lifestyles will become illegal. Civil rights and all who have fought for them will be erased as if they never were. How can we as free Americans even contemplate letting filth such as this utter their evil, hate-filled speech?

Many of you on here have said the same thing, that any resistance to this will simply play into their hands. I say that no resistance at all also plays into their hands. I, for one, would rather be called a hate-filled, right-wing, Nazi butcher than ever allow this to occur. There are many weapons in our arsenal amongst them being our right to vote, communicating with our elected officials at ALL levels of government and freedom of the press and speech. Make your voices heard. If we don’t, then who will when we are gone?

B Woodman

To all those that go to attend in counter-protest:
Laugh — laugh long loud & often. Show this prick what you think of his Sharia “laws” by ridiculing them, and him, and especially Islam.
NO ONE as self-righteous as this bastard likes to be laughed at and ridiculed. Make HIM be the one to lose his temper, and play the fool.


Hm, ridiculing him would be doable, very doable. Might even be more effective than ridiculing him on anything else. So, B Woodman? You gonna to be front and center to help ridicule him?

Dirty Al the Infidel

How about letting a couple of tractor trailer loads of goats loose during thier rally. They’d be too busy trying to Fuck the goats to have any meaningful rally. I’d rather fight than switch to the religion of peace.


Dirty Al, how about letting pigs loose instead? They’d fuck the goats then cook and eat them. The pigs…well, somehow, I think the pigs butts would be safe.

B Woodman

I wish, I sincerely wish I could.
But I’m 3/4 of the way across the country, a working stiff with no time off for good behavior.
But let ’em come to my neck of the woods, I’ll be front & center.


I’m also constrained by distance, money, and job.

But in this case the benefits of counter march FAR outweigh the negatives.

We simply need to show people in Europe how WE do it here, we won’t be intimidated or kowtowed by some lunatic.

For the most part I think U.S. protesters do not resort to unnecessary violence, but that doesn’t make us any less intimidating.

We also need some patriot riders with their hawgs front and center 🙂

Old Trooper

Sorry, Tman, we have 20″ of fresh global warming, so I ain’t taking the bike out 🙂


Darn, maybe someone else Old Trooper.

I’m telling y’all, all they need are rows of Harley’s right up front and center of this clown, and rev them baby’s up to drown out this idiot.

There is nothing more intimidating and AMERICAN than the roar of them bikes to intimidate these fools! You don’t need to say a word or do anything else!

Dirty Al the Infidel

Tman and Oldtrooper, I was thinking the same thing last night. Nothing like some good old American Iron Thunder to put the Fear of Oden in some 7th century Throwbacks. Man I wish I had the lead time to schedule some vacation and the “Change” to go to D.c. Also throw in some Patriot guard guys and some pipe swinging 1%er and we could have a real “Party”. Forget the TEA bring the Beer.