Bellavia for Congress

| February 17, 2011

Our buddy, David Bellavia, is running for Congress in the seat recently vacated by Chris Lee in Buffalo, NY. I’m a little bit angry that Dave didn’t tell me himself and I had to find out from an email from Iraq Veterans for Congress;

From a Rochester radio station WHAM;

He says, “In 2008 I was a kid walking around asking people for money. In 2010 I’ve been approached with people with money. In 2010 I’ve been approached by national infrastructures that want to come into our district and help this and make this happen.”

Bellavia says he’s frustrated that the number one export in Western New York are college graduates.

Right now, the only link I can find for donations is the IVFC. Maybe Dave can come down here and tell us more. Or you could buy his book, “House to House” in the Amazon sidebar.

Category: Veterans in politics

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He’s getting my money when he goes live with it. David is a good man, and would make a great Congressman.


Make it a Google link and I’ll click it. 😀

Old Trooper

I’ll donate


I’m told that David will be making all campaign appearances being carried in a translucent egg carried by the B5 writers in loinclothes. That alone should ensure success.

Old Trooper

Oh dear Lord!!! I don’t ever want that image in my head, ever, ever, ever!!!

Dave Thul

I predicted Bellavia getting into politics over three years ago-

“Of note during the presentation was the remarks by David Bellavia. Having been around him all day, I had been amazed by his wit and intelligence. He could make everyone laugh hard, yet got into an animated discussion about theology and philosophy. His remarks were completely extemporaneous, as he interacted with the crowd and seemed to draw energy from their emotions as well. If this man chooses to go into politics, I may well have been looking at a future US Senator.”

I don’t generally give money to political candidates outside my state, but I’ll make an exception this time.

Old Tanker

I’m told that David will be making all campaign appearances being carried in a translucent egg carried by the B5 writers in loinclothes. That alone should ensure success.

I’ll pay good money to see that NOT happen.


Hey! I happen to LIKE loinclothes! 🙂

Old Tanker

Just wondering when dicksmith and VoteVets is going to jump in and support him…..


[…] here, here and […]


( lol – the egg and the loincloths did it for me!)

where is a link to his campaign to make a donation,
or are donations going through the iraq vets for congress?

Parachute Cutie

I’m in and thinkin’ a road trip is in order to go “House to House” and pass out campaign material. I’ll be dressed appropriately

Cedo Alteram

Dave “who didn’t serve in the motorpool” Bellavia, is a great guy. Read his book a few years ago, can only improve the pool of republicans up on capitol hill. Good luck Dave.


So that’s where he has been …

I’m in.

Miss Ladybug

#8 Depends on who is wearing the loincloths…


Times are tough but not so tough I couldn’t find $10 to donate to his campaign. Hey GOP: Enough with the RINO’S already. Haven’t you gotten the message that we don’t want them yet?


Let’s get a true conservative elected. Go David!