General James Mattis on guard duty?

| February 16, 2011

Stars & Stripes’ Rumor Doctor, Jeffrey Schogol, sent us a link to his latest investigation “Did Gen. Mattis pull duty on Christmas so a Marine could be with his family?

But one reader asked The Rumor Doctor about a story that shows Mattis has a compassionate side to him. The story goes that Mattis stood duty on Christmas back when he was a brigadier general so that a younger Marine could spend the holiday with his family.

I won’t ruin the ending, so go read the whole thing.

Category: Military issues

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USMC Steve

General Mattis is close to being the perfect Marine Officer. Ruthlessly hunts down and kills the enemies of his country and Corps, and takes care of his junior people any time he can. And if General Krulak said it happened people, IT HAPPENED.

Old Trooper

Maybe it’s that particular style of leadership that endears him to those he leads? I have heard several Marines say that they would mount up and fight to hell and back with him.


I don’t doubt this story for a second, it’s Marine Corps leadership 101. Mattis is smart enough to know that this is the sort of thing that separates good leaders from great leaders. He’s also smart enough to know that the Commandant would be making his rounds and this is a good way to get noticed as an up and coming one star in addition to starting the sort of word of mouth admiration among the enlisted men that makes all the difference when he asks them to go into harms way.


I think I might have a small General crush!


Just one more example of the quality of our military.
What Susan said!!



We DO still have men worth following and looking up to.


I’m with you, Susan.

Not only as a Marine, but as a man he stands out as a genuine gentle and admirable soul.


Yeah…I would’nt want to run through a brick wall for that guy!


Christmas Morning 2001 USMA West Point

My Squad was on duty at Thayer Gate/Thayer Search Point. 05-1700. at 0515 Ltg. Lennox showed up and took the place of Spc. Lockhardt sending him home for the day. Various other Officers from BG to Col took the place of my squad and we worked the gate that day. The Cadre CSM Greer (a Mustard stain Grenada Ranger) rode up on a dirtbike and also placed himself under my squad for the day. LTG. Lennox searched under cars in engines, etc. about a Hour into shift my Cdr came running up when he found out, and attempted to appease himself by also working. Lennox sent him back to the orderly room.

To the day I die I’ll remember the 3 star whos arms we’re dirty from checking engines on Christmas day.


I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a little misty eyed reading this one.


NotSoOldMarine, although I’m not a Marine, I am, as a retired US Army Officer, an admirer of the Corps generally, and of Gen Mattis, specifically.

I seriously doubt he took the duty that particular day because he felt the need to impress the Commandant, who would have immediately seen through that type of self serving Bullshit.

Gen Mattis took the duty because he wanted to take care of one of his men…a married Officer of Marines, and his family…nothing more.



My comment wasn’t meant as a slight in any way, shape or form; it was a compliment. The military is a competitive environment, the Marine Corps is a hyper competitive environment and the Marine Corps Officer Corps is a ridiculously hyper competitive environment. Simply showing up everyday and doing your job well isn’t good enough, esp in combat arms. You have to stand out and get people’s attention. There is no way someone as sharp as Mattis didn’t know the Commandant did a Christmas cookie tour and there’s no way being seen being awesome didn’t calculate in his equation. It’s a reflection of his outstanding abilities as an officer and leader of Marines that he thinks two or three moves ahead. I thought it was clever.

Infadel Mataween

I served with GEN Mattis at 29 Palms, CA…this does not surprise me at all.

True story – he use to talk to all of his new SNCO’s and Officers that checked into the BN’s that were under his regiment (7th Marines). In his conference rook at the “head shed” next to the Regimental logo was a large map of the Korean peninsula, and a photo of a North Korean Army Officer. The map had lines of movement and a time line next to it. As part of his brief, he told us about the Regiment’s mission in the Pacific. He them proceeded to tell us about the photo of the NK office and the unit he commanded, and what he (Mattis) expected to happen if we were sent to Korea to fight again. GEN Mattis made it perfectly clear that we were going to engage that “SOB” and not make the same mistakes that were made in the Korean War. He wanted us ready to fight Kim, Saddam or any other “bastard” that would threaten the United States – and win. We trained hard – and he was there, day and night, to see us train.

His leaders were creative leaders, and he gave them latitude to make decisions on the spot, and he made sure that his Sailors and Marines were taken care of. He earned my respect in 1995 and still has it to this day.