Duff and his minions on trutherism

| February 16, 2011

TSO sends this link to the latest nuthatchery at Veterans Today and Gordon Duff entitled “FINALLY, EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE DEBUNKS N.I.S.T. 9/11 COVERUP” He includes a video which has the same quality of experimentation as the famous Democratic Underground’s “Fire can’t melt rabbit cages” post. As usual, it’s lengthy (15 minutes) and hardly worth your time;

But, of course, to Duff it’s irrefutable;

A decade after 9/11, there is still a debate about how the towers were brought down, even though most aspects of the 9/11 Commission report have been discarded. 3000 murders are simply being ignored.

There is no debate. There’s general agreement throughout the entire planet, with the exception of a few crackpots…and the Arab world. But the real story is in the comments section of the post, among the crackpots;

Brian says:
February 15, 2011 at 9:36 pm

I’m waiting for a brazen Mossad agent to write a book about how the Mossad and their traitors in the US government did 911. Surely some Mossad agents want to boast about their evil accomplishment. Yes, they may use a moniker.

Ingrid B says:
February 16, 2011 at 5:53 am

If there are MOSSAD agents running loose in the US, who knows where they will strike next.. I get the strong impression that they are crazy psychopaths who perfect the art of death and destruction..

Michael J Volz says:
February 16, 2011 at 7:50 am

They are everywhere and anywhere. “Our” “leaders” have been leaving the back door open and the light on for them, forever. CIA is now a mossad subsidiary.

Duff certainly knows how to de-medicate the straight-jacket crowd.

Here’s what I’d ask; Don’t you think someone would have noticed the Mossad ninjas planting the hundreds of thermate charges that the job would have required? Does anyone else think that there are hundreds of easier ways to get into a war if that was the goal? Am I the only who thinks that some self-promoting glory hound who was involved would have written a book or been on television by now? I mean we found out about Abu Gahrab, right?

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos

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Doc Bailey

The kind of elaborate and complex theories that have come together to explain why it couldn’t POSSIBLY be exactly what it looked like (a bunch of Arabs flying planes into buildings) get great marks for finding minutiae to point at as “AH HA!” moments Eye witness accounts saying “didn’t sound like a plane crash sounded like a bomb”, yet a few months later when AA flight 587 crashed just a short time later, everyone was CONVINCED it was a bomb at first, then when they knew it was a plane they KNEW it had been hit by a SAM, or a bomb. Come to find out, the copilot used too much rudder which ripped the rudder right off.

I watched a truther video that went into great detail how UA 157 wasn’t actually a 757. Or the remote control, or how a person couldn’t POSSIBLY fly a plane into the pentagon, or the controled det theory.

So I’d point out Occum’s Razor. What’s more likely that this shadowy cabal of secrety muckity mucks came up with this elaborate plan, whose end result is not entirely predictable, and fake calls home, of people seen boarding planes, faked the radar tracks of said planes, and thousands of eyewitness accounts, news footage taken from multiple angles, hundreds of postmortem (if you will) scientific tests by people with experience and big brain pans, and the multiple statements of UBL and his cronies. . . or all that really happened as we’ve come to know it and the people trying to prove otherwise are off their rocker? I think in this case the burden of proof is on you.


Simply anti-Semitism dressed up as conspiracy.


Interesting. Fire is generally a marker for heat. When heat is applied, the question becomes how much heat weakens steel? The follow on question then becomes, if the steel is weakened, can it then perform its purpose of holding up X tons of other materiel? What is the point of failure?

Simple mathematics provides these answers, along with why the buildings collapsed in pancake form. Perhaps it’s just me, but why is it AQ used American-trained engineers to effect 911, and America uses public-school idiots to refute the math and science behind the attack?

Stop swilling the lutefisk!!!


Apparently, the grand conspiracy involves everyone except 400 or 500 of us, not in the know? Much easier to kill us off than the elimination of 330 million or so folks.
And, who faked the pic and video of the United plane hitting the second tower? Was that Dick Cheney, or dicksmith? Oh, wait, it was Rosie O’Donnell. These people are nutso, with a capital N.


Ain’t it interesting that Mossad knew exactly which floors to plant the thermite/thermate/firey stuff. Which, of course, leads me to posit the theory that Mo Atta and his buddies were all Mossad agents who knew exactly where to aim the planes at.

And, it was a Chinese silkworm missile disguised by Mossad to look something like a 757 going into the Pentagon. That way Tom Delay and all the other witnesses would think it was terrorists instead of zionists.

Sarcasm off.

Didn’t these truthers put the theory out there that someone (CIA, Mossad et al) had created a thermal weapon that was painted on?


Now why we can’t get Mossad to carry off all these nutjobs for lab experiments is beyond me…


That’s right, Mr. Martini. There is an Easter Bunny.


I don’t know about Sept. 11th – I kinda agree with Doc Bailey as far as Occam’s Razor goes. But as for the Mossad, I have no doubt that they will stoop to absolutely anything to further their ends. “Never again” has mutated to “We will stop at nothing”.

Frankly Opinionated

Joe said: “But as for the Mossad, I have no doubt that they will stoop to absolutely anything to further their ends.”
That is a hoot, Joe. “….to further their ends…..” being preservation of their nation and their people?
Get this- I will stoop to absolutely anything to further my ends, when they involve anything even remotely like that. For my family? For my friends? Protect their lives? I will do anything- anything at all, no matter how dirty, dastardly, or devious.
That is a super great endorsement for the Mossad. I wish the super snoopy guys protecting this country were so devoted.

Doc Bailey

Joe. . . agreed with me. . . how weird.

I will grant that Mossad are scary. I mean the guys went after Nazis with a vengeance. And God help you if you target Israel *Munich*. They tend to take that personally. And being under siege for oh 60 years couldn’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with it. Believe it or not there is a detente between *most* intel services. The KGB (far scarier than Mossad) and the CIA had certain “rules” that you DID NOT BREAK. Believe it or not spies playing their games PREVENTED WWIII. The idea that a country that isn’t bat shit crazy (Iran) trying to START WWIII (which GWOT may have potentially become) is laughable in the extreme.


Doc, not to mention, the Mossad made it extremely difficult for the boys from Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO to even think about picking up a cell phone, for a long, LONG, time. MOF, I wonder if they yet have the stones to pick one up? Or, to go for a walk on a Paris street? Or, to just hang in their apartment in Beirut?


No facts ever get in the way of a good conspiracy. The holes in their Swiss cheese theories are big enough to fly a plane through. Or several. I have to admit that I have watched just about every conspiracy video out there. To see if there was any validity in them what so ever.

If wasn’t for the internet these ideas would have no traction at all, they would just be known as that “crazy guy that turns his tv to the wall and wears a tin foil hat”.

Don’t waste your breath trying to convince them of the facts though, you’ll just wind up with a headache. How can you change the mind of a person that believes that the very absence of the evidence they need to prove their crackpot theory is proof of the conspiracy. I get a headache just thinking about it.