So where are the apologies?

| February 16, 2011

I read yesterday about the admission by “Curveball”, actually Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, our main source on Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, admitted that his information was all bullshit. Of course, dicksmith pounces on this tidbit like a dung beetle on a turd;

Well, there you have it folks. The source of the intel that got us into Iraq, a conflict that has killed over 4,400 American troops, says it was all bullshit. Those weren’t just empty faces in camo sacks. Those were someones father or mother, someone’s son, someone husband, someone’s wife, someone’s daughter. And they all died, each and every one of them, over deliberate lies.

I’m not surprised. We’ve known this for years. But there is something about hearing from the hourses [sic] mouth that makes me extra angry.

First of all, it’s probably pretty important to determine whether al-Janabi was lying then, or if he’s lying now. I mean when a liar admits he’s lying, you should figure when he’s lying, right?

Secondly, IF the Bush Administration was victim of a lie, that pretty much absolves them of any responsibility for sending troops into Iraq. All of those “Bush lied” placards were wrong, since lying is different from being misinformed by intelligence sources.

Thirdly, weapons of mass destruction were just ONE reason we went to war in Iraq. There were other things like Hussein massing his troops on the Kuwaiti border to rattle sabers for more than ten years. There were all of the potshots he took at our service members patrolling the skies over the No-Fly zone. There was the misuse of of the “oil for Food” program. There was the failure to cooperate with UN inspectors on an annual basis. Not to mention the 500 tons of uranium he had stored which we shipped to Canada a few years after the war began.

But since the anti-war doofuses have chosen to ignore all of the other reasons we went into Iraq and cling pathetically to the WMD issue (while ignoring the WMDs we actually discovered in Iraq), it seems they owe the Bush Administration an apology for accusing them of lying.

If dicksmith wants an investigation at this point, he should conduct one at VoteVets about all of things VoteVets has flatly lied about over the years since it’s founding. I wait patiently with unabated breath.

Category: Antiwar crowd

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“IF the Bush Administration was victim of a lie….” They either knew it was a lie, or they didn’t want to know it was a lie, because it dovetailed nicely with their hegemonic wet dreams. In my opinion, and in the opinion of many other, including legal experts in Switzerland, Bush and his cronies are war criminals. Quit engaging in revisionist history.

USMC Steve

Hussein and his government were also confirmed to have been offering bounties on dead Americans, and to have provided logistical and training support to at least three terrorist groups. There was plenty of valid reason to take him out, even based upon his country’s confirmed use in the past of WMD (chemical weapons) so for those of us who have the ability to reason and think rationally, this was not a hard conclusion to come to.

USMC Steve

Joe’s ranting has no logical relationship to the truth. If Bush wanted to establish a hegemony (big word for someone tenuously attached to reality to use, Joe) we would own Iraq now, and have all that oil, etc, etc, etc. Get some oxygen and a clue and YOU stop engaging in revisionist history assclown. Grow the fuck up.


Once again Joe, you ignore the evidence. The WMD’s DID exist, the evidence for them exists and has been published, and still you beat a dead drum.

Keep up the good work. And by the way, thanks for showing back up, dealing with a garden variety loon like you is a relaxing respite from dealing with the truly dillusional as we have been for a couple days now. 😉


Here’s a down-home analogy for you. When you go out on your farm and one of your horses is snakebit, you go looking for the nest. You find four snake nests on the property. It doesn’t really matter where you start…you’re going to have to kill the snakes, and you have to do it, one nest at a time.
It’s my opinion that what we did in Iraq was no different than hunitng those snakes.


#4 Jacobite,

That’s the interesting point. The source lied, and the world believed him explicitly. Every single Democrat prior to 911 cited that source as they defended then-President Clinton’s order to attack Iraq. After 911, as a line of attack on then-President Bush, SecDef Rumsfeld was accused of providing Hussein with biowar materiel during his war with Iran.

What is interesting is that WMD was found. Lots and lots of WMD were found, both by us, and by AQI. That’s got to make some heads explode: what if someone told a lie and it turned out to be true?

Going back to 1980 and going forward to March 2003, there is no evidence that contradicts the assessment of the globe on whether Hussein had WMD or not. We convict folks for capital murder on less evidence.

Joe, by defending the lie, you implicitly endorse Saddam Hussein and his murder of his own people, and his active support for terrorists prior to March 2003. Don’t let The Hague know your whereabouts.

Doc Bailey

Joe, I have a serious question for you: do you even read what you write? If bush was lied to then HOW could he also be lying? That would assume he KNEW that it was a lie, or didn’t give a rats ass to find out. I’m pretty sure that a lot of people including the director of the CIA thought it was legit, does it make them evil? It makes them human.

And when was the last time the Swiss fought a war? how about the fact that when the entire content was occupied by the nazis the Swiss did what exactly to protest their war crimes? And speaking of war crimes, how long did it take Europe to act in Bosnia/Kosovo when there were ACTUAL war crimes going on? People that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

It kinda sucks that this prick lied and got us involved in that Cluster f**k, but what’s done is done. come next year we’re gone completely. So let me say it again. IT’S OVER! WE WON. MOVE ON (like the .org keeps telling you to :P)


Joey lives in that dream world where either, a. Bush lied or b. He didn’t lie, but he knew it was a lie anyway. I wonder what the sun rise looks like through those fucked up glasses that Joey sees the world through?
If al-Janabi lied, he fooled, in no particular order, the FSB and the Rooskies, MI-6 and the Brits, the Germans, the French, the Israelies, the Egyptians, the Saudis, the Poles, the Czechs and many, many more. And don’t forget Joey, the very best lies, and this would have to rank as the best, all time, are born of at least a grain of truth, if not more.


What about Bush telling Tenet point blank to find a connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq? Not to find out IF there was a connection, but to find a connection. And what about Tenet obediently and compliantly coming up with his “slam dunk”?

Frankly Opinionated

And he keeps coming back for more. On the one hand, I can see how it builds the readership here to have him around and could make a case for “Joe” to actually be Jonn, sitting there chuckling, watching the sitemeter climb. Even the leftist of liberals occasionally seem somewhat sensible…….

Doc Bailey

FO: that’s just a bit unrealistic. I couldn’t type such things without destroying something (like the keyboard).

Joe: Do you think that its implied that Bush might have meant an “if” in there. If you’re going to pick apart every word said by every president start with Johnson waving his dick around in cabinet meetings. Sadam himself played up what he had and what he was doing. Why you ask? Because Arabs suck at warfare. Mostly they go for big flashy things (lots of pretty soldiers marching in goofy formations with pretty tanks and Scuds) Sadam saw himself as the guy that was going to lead the Arab world. How was he gonna do that after he got his ass monkey stomped in 91? why Nukes of course. And like all Arabs, say you have more than you actually do. Ever notice how all these terrorist organizations are “brigades”. Do you really think there are multi thousand man terrorist organizations competing with other multi thousand terrorist organizations? Nope. Works the same way with their military. We, sadly took him at his word. In case you forget right before the invasion he flung the doors open to Al Qadea, as an effort to “fill so many body bags the great satan will. . . ” you get the gist.

Joe, retrospect is 20/20. Sit there and froth at the mouth at the “proof” Bush lied, and is a “war criminal” I’m sure it makes you happy in the pants. The adults meanwhile will try to solve the problem, and figure out how to avoid the mistakes made in the future.


#9 Joe, when you decide that a statement as truth, there is an obligation to consider how it is true. Does your statement infer evil on Mr. Bush-43? Or on Mr. Tenet?

Finding a connection isn’t difficult. Baghdad long enjoyed a reputation as a safe haven for terrorists such as Abu Nidal. You’ll also find, should you choose to look, direct connections to the IRA, and a number of Red Army Cells in Europe through their PLO associations. Just prior to the invasion, these terrorists were named the Saddam Fedeyeen. The survivors formed the core of AQI. When it comes to terrorism, the birds-of-a-feather thing really does work.

Tenet, as the nation’s top spymaster, ran an organization that couldn’t find a tune in a music store. Our CIA is so political, and yet so charmingly incompetent that they’ve consistently failed to predict and provide advice for Presidents Carter (Iran), Reagan (USSR), Bush Pere (Iraq), Clinton (Iraq), Bush 43 (AQ, Iraq), and lately Obama (a la Egypt). Almost makes one wonder if the CIA is just a stage show: ‘hey folks, looky over here – a CIA SPY!’ While real intelligence work seems to be done by Glenn Beck and his team.

Lastly, Mr. Bush-43 behaved in a decisive manner. This is something he learned from his folks, from his service as a fighter pilot (yes yes, no combat hours – try flying a fighter jet in peacetime to see if its for the mentally lazy), building business and as Governor of Texas. It’s a leader’s job to put his or her finger in a subordinate’s chest and refuse to accept the brush-off “no” answer. Tenet the performs a miracle: he finds evidence! He could have proved a negative, he didn’t.


“real intelligence work seems to be done by Glenn Beck and his team. “ I’d be laughing my ass off, Dave, if that was not, sadly, so very true.
Joey, also consider, al-Zarqawi was treated and rehabbed in Iraq, after his injuries, in Afghaistan in 2002. Also, according to Linda Robinson, a writer for US Snooze and World Report, hardly a right-wing stalwart, al-Zarqawi ran an AQ training camp in Iraq in late 2002. But, he called his organization Ansar-al Islam, until it was cooler to be AQI.
But, Joey is an Iraq War “Truther” and no fact will change his mind.

Doc Bailey

Isn’t it funny how “truthers” seem to want to ignore the truth?