Really? You don’t say.

| January 26, 2011

Yea, totally did not see this coming.

BRENDAN TREMBATH: A New York-based Human Rights watchdog says the United Nations and European Union aren’t putting enough pressure on repressive countries. Human Rights Watch’s newly released annual report says the international community has failed to defend people and organizations struggling for human rights. Its local representative says human rights have deteriorated in Asia.

Really you honestly expect that people actually do something on your behalf.

Speaking of groups there is this nice little gem.

“The sad truth behind the leak is that al-Jazeera tried to weaken the peace supporters by presenting the (Palestinian) Authority as if it had surrendered and capitulated to the Israeli side.

Also seems there is some crazy things going on in Egypt right now.

Category: United Nations

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I understand they’re also having trouble in Lebanon?
Hang on to your popcorn, folks…I have a feeling we’re not done in the ME just yet…