Muslim Woman in Portland Demands Muslim Only Swimming Time in Public Pools

| August 2, 2008

Gateway Pundit has the story:

Muslim Lul Abdulle is suing Portland for not providing private women-only swim times. CBN News and Religion of Peace reported:

It’s a growing conflict between Western society and Islamic culture in America.

A Muslim woman in Oregon has petitioned the city-run pools to provide women-only swim times.

Lul Abdulle’s Islamic beliefs prohibit her from swimming in the presence of men.

The Somali Women’s Association wants Portland to provide after-hours swim times and provide female lifeguards.

But the city says that would discriminate against men and other religions.

“We can’t discriminate against religion; the other is we can’t discriminate in favor of religion,” Portland City Attorney Harry Auerbach said.

“It would essentially violate the rights of male lifeguards if we only hired female lifeguards for certain duty,” he added.

The Muslim woman says everyone should have the right to exercise and good health.

Here’s some advice Ms. Abdulle; STFU! Seriously, just thank the pedophile that you worship that you were fortunate enough to have witnessed running water and electricity.

Your modesty restrictions are not imposed by the City of Portland; they are imposed by the 7th century religion that you choose to blindly follow. So, here’s the solution.

Tell the Mosque to build you a women’s only pool. If it’s that important to them, they will do so immediately. If it’s not that important to them, it sure as hell ain’t that important to most Americans.

Ever saw a city sponsored Amish pool? I didn’t think so.

Having said all of this; the liberals in Portland will cave.

Category: Politics

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All Mosque’s are run by men and the women (slaves) sit and keep their mouth shut. Muzzie man aren’t going to build the slaves a swimming pool or anything else. Someone tell her to shut up or start a rumor she’s banging white men. The religion of pieces muzzie’s will remove her head and play ball with it.


The Muzzie men only respect the women and children when they use them as bullet stops in a gunfight, which is a daily occurance in muzzie land.


This sort of thing has been going on in Europe for years now. It’s called “Islamification” and it starts with things like Lul Abdulle suing Portland for special rights for muslims only. The sign that they’re ready to take over a culture is when Sharia becomes the law of the land. There’s alot in incremental steps in between.


[…] This Ain’t Hell features the march of Islam in Portland […]


All I can say is the same as COB6. Don’t like it, get hte hell out of our Country. We respect you enough to let you come here and there I draw the line. Until I can have a lutheran pool or call a winter party a Christmas Party again, they can all kiss my Yankee asss.


Build your own pool and leave the rest of us alone you fool.
That’s the beauty of America — but I don’t expect you to understand any of this. Great googily moogily, it’s bad enough they are stuck in an ancient culture, now they’re friggin commies.