Washington Post’s Toles cartoon today
The above cartoon is from today’s Washington Post by far leftist anti-gun nut Tom Toles. The implication, of course, is that Republican Congressmen are the real gun nuts since they won’t have an emotional knee-jerk reaction to every instance of gun violence and write more laws when government won’t even bother to enforce the laws they’ve already written.
Toles thought that he needed to explain his cartoon to those of us who don’t understand the imagery, because, you know, cartoons are hard to interpret for us Neanderthals.
First has been their long descent into ever more flamboyant distortion of facts. The health-care debate, the actual nature of the deficit problem and climate change come to mind. Second has been their increasingly imaginative conjuring of bizarre conspiracies and deployment of innuendo. Try the birth certificate “issue,” that Obama is an unpatriotic socialist, or conversely, or simultaneously, Nazi, “death panels” and again climate change. Third is their edging ever closer to hysterical talk, phrasing and imagery about revolution and violence as political tactics.
Now, however, the mere suggestion that in light of horrible shooting deaths and injuries, somebody might want to rethink the ramifications of their choice of words and images is depicted as some manner of totalitarian jackboot. A REQUEST for some restraint on violence-inflected language is painted as yet another outrage, to the permanently outraged. Is this a serious position? No more than the rest of the wacky menagerie of chimeras they’ve gotten into the cozy bad habit of bedding down with.
You’d think an employee of the Washington Post would actually read their paper and notice that much of the “outrage” of Republicans stems from the early nineties when we were accused of plotting to toss the elderly out into the street, starve children, make the elderly eat dog food and any number of other stupid shit they could think up. We’ve been accused of wanting to bring back slavery, drag black people behind our pickup trucks, burn black churches with impunity. We’ve been lied about and slandered and it’s only been in the last few years we quit turning the other cheek.
In the paragraph that I left out of the quote above, Toles rails against the commenters at WaPo who argue with him about things he didn’t say in his cartoons. I wonder if Toles noticed that he just spent three paragraphs explaining nothing that is represented in his cartoon above.
And, honestly, I’m a little bit insulted that someone who makes a living making really bad drawings with crayons thinks he has the moral authority to tell me how I should conduct myself. No, he can have his own opinions, I just don’t think he has brain in his thick skull so he should just keep his written opinions to himself and keep his thoughts confined to really bad drawings.
Category: Media
I thought everyone that wanted a gun had already bought one.
Then I hear that gun sales up 60% since the shooting.
Congress, like Kennesaw GA, should be a mandatory carry position. Why is it so unreasonable to “them” to expect one to do all possible to protect him/herself? It ain’t my job!!!
Short of going house to house and physically confiscating every weapon, magazine and round of ammo, how the friggity-fuck does this assmunch think yet another gun control law will have the least bit of impact on bad people doing bad shit with firearms?
Claymore, “think” is the operative word in your question. And that assmunch isn’t, thinking that is. This is just another in the long list of things that we aren’t supposed to question. See, their intentions are all that matter, their feelings are what count. The Constitution and Bill of Rights? Fuck it, if it gets in the way of what libs want to do. As long as they’re doing it with “pure” intentions, that’s all that matters, and everyone should STFU and go along with them.
“First has been their long descent into ever more flamboyant distortion of facts. The health-care debate, the actual nature of the deficit problem and climate change come to mind. Second has been their increasingly imaginative conjuring of bizarre conspiracies and deployment of innuendo. Try the birth certificate “issue,” that Obama is an unpatriotic socialist, or conversely, or simultaneously, Nazi, “death panels” and again climate change. Third is their edging ever closer to hysterical talk, phrasing and imagery about revolution and violence as political tactics”.
Jonn, what part of the above paragraph is false (hint – none)? Let’s be honest enough to own up to the-end-justifies-the-means tactics conservative have used in their righteous certitude. In fact, Toles went easy on conservatives and commented in a very restrained voice, considering. It’s no secret that conservatives are more than willing to damage and divide this country by using dishonest, divisive tactics to score points or tactical victories. For goodness sakes, they have think tanks and consultants to teach conservatives these very skills. Don’t feign insult whan you know damn well what’s been going on.
Joe, I’ll answer your question. Man made climate change is a hoax. Always has been, always will be. So, that part is false. How can spending a trillion to save a billion (health care) be considered good deficit reduction? So; that, too, is false.
Also, Joe; what does any of that have to do with the desire by leftists to add more laws on guns when they don’t enforce the ones they have?
Over 90% of climate scientists think the idea of man-made climate change is valid, with more coming over every week. Having a healthy, stable population is an asset for a country that is trying to remain competitive, not a drawback. Letting people get sick, stay sick, and die in an attempt to save money is not a productive strategy.
And I didn’t comment on the cartoon pertaining to gun laws because the problem is so huge that I wouldn’t know where to begin, except by traveling back to 1789 in my time machine and convincing the framers to rethink the 2nd amendment.
Climate scientist = Kool-Aid drinker whose credibility is pretty well fucked.
I’m looking out the window at a foot and a half (and increasing) of “global warming”.
Oh, and back on topic, those cartoons are Rembrandts compared to the mouth-breather scrawls of Ted Rall. Both are equally ri-tards, but I can almost kinda/sorta make out some of Toles’ representations.
How huge is it, Joe? Look at all those wonderful liberal meccas where guns are banned–no gun crime there, right?
90%? bullshit! The whole “birther” thing came out of the Hillary camp, that bastion of right wing propaganda.
The use of blood libel, attacks on rhetoric, the 2d Amendment and so on are only tangentially connected to the Tuscon massacre.
This is about controlling the agenda of a Republican-dominated House of Representatives; and the 2012 election. The Supreme Court, and lesser federal courts have spoken firmly and authoritatively that robbing folks of the right to own a firearm is clearly prohibited. Period.
Whip up fear and dissent between right and left, gun-owners and gun disowners, conservatives of every stripe and progressives of every stripe. Keep the fear and dissent just below boiling to distract Congress from its job. Bring to boiling in mid-August 2012 in time for the elections.
Kudo goes to Governor Palin for stealing a march on our President.
Joe: 90% of statistics are created during typing a comment. Most scientists agree that something is happening to the climate; but both the data and superstars of climatology have been proven false (the superstars by their own admission of guilt). By their deception and naked grasp for money and power, the global warming alarmists have made true true scientific inquiry into our climate absolutely toxic.
As it’s again sub-20 degrees Fahrenheit, I’d appreciate some global warming, but I can wait 3 more months.
I’m sitting at home again for the third day because there’s a shit load of global warming all over the roads.
I’ll add this to what the others have already covered Joe;
“Third is their edging ever closer to hysterical talk, phrasing and imagery about revolution and violence as political tactics”.
Wrong. There has been no ‘edging’ toward anything. The political speech in this country has been militant and hostile from this country’s very beginnings, and both sides engage in it regularly. It is not in the country’s best interests for it to be any other way, such is the reality of politics.
Your comment ‘It’s no secret that conservatives are more than willing to damage and divide this country by ….etc.’ is nothing more than a weak attempt to frame the parameters of the debate. The comment assumes the liberal side of the aisle isn’t doing the exact same thing, an idea which is patently absurd and easily proven false.
And lastly, please provide some suitable evidence for your assertion that over 90% of climate scientists think the idea of man made climate change is valid, I’m not going to just accept your word for it.
Y’know, just because it happens to be snowing somewhere in the world, maybe even where you happen to live, doesn’t mean the climate isn’t heating up. More heat = more evaporation and convection = more precipitation (and that means snow in some colder places). Please say you guys are pulling my leg when you say, “It’s snowing in my yard, therefore global warming is a hoax”. Please say you’re joking.
Here’s an article about the percentage of climate scientists who think climate change is “very likely” caused mainly by man. The source is the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
“I didn’t comment on the cartoon pertaining to gun laws because the problem is so huge that I wouldn’t know where to begin, except by traveling back to 1789 in my time machine and convincing the framers to rethink the 2nd amendment.”
So huge, eh? So huge that our violent crime rate has been dropping every year even as permissive concealed carry has become the dominant trend, to the lowest in 46 years in 2009.
So huge that we’ve had all of six assassination attempts against members of congress in the last 62 years, including the attack on Giffords? And fewer than 80 attacks on public officials in the same time span?
You see Joe, despite what the headlines say, the sky is not falling just because one (1) shitheel slipped through the cracks in Arizona. Feel free to shut the fuck up until you have a clue.
Please say you’re joking.
You first…
We’re number one! (among developed countries in gun deaths per year)! Yippee! The U.S. was first at 14.24 gun deaths per 100,000 people. Compare that to Japan at 0.05 gun deaths per 100,000. That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Yeah, I know the predictible response – I would hate to live in Japan. Japan sucks. The Japanese are subserviant to their government (unlike us freewheeling cowboys). Yeah, I know.
And go talk about gun laws to the mother of that lovely little nine year old who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“We’re number one! (among developed countries in gun deaths per year)! ”
Wow, Joe. You mean if we have more guns, we’ll have more people killed with guns? What an insight!
Overall crime rates, Joe, that’s what counts in this debate. You can start your education with this tidbit about some of those “developed countries” who have successfully eradicated crime with strict gun control:
Or, since over 2/3 of gun deaths are suicides, take a gander at the suicide rates in those gun-free utopias, as compared to the U.S.
“And go talk about gun laws to the mother of that lovely little nine year old who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
And what would that prove? Somewhere in the neighborhood of 79,999,999 gun owners didn’t shoot her daughter last weekend. I guess we’ll just govern with knee-jerk reactions to individual outlying episodes from now on, eh?
And anyhow, we’ve already heard from her father, and even in his profound grief, he has more sense than all the alarmists running amok right now:
“In a free society,” he said, “we’re going to be subject to people like this. I prefer this to the alternative.”
#16 Joe: what you describe is called equilibrium. Our planet is very good at doing that. Equilibrium exposes the cognitive disconnect of AGW. According to the alleged experts pushing AGW, the entire planet is warming. The model, the hockey stick, and other presentation devices make very clear that the entire planet is warming at an alarming rate.
But the planet isn’t playing along. By the way Joe, did you notice most of your AGW climatologists are now calling for an ice age, since they can’t understand why, if it’s so warm, there’s ice and snow still extant? One can’t have an ice age anywhere on the planet when, according to these same charlatans, the planet is warming everwhere.
Call AGW what it is: fraud. Notice that the leaders of the AGW all had money invested in the so-called ‘green’ industries, and stood to make unbelievable fortunes. The idea was to erase competition from industries using fossil fuels, forcing dependence on green industries.
A pretty sweet conspiracy slain (can I still use that word?) by a snowflake, and the publication of the AGW leaders’ emails.
#21: Why not talk with her dad as well? He’s already on the record as saying the tragedy is the price of a free and open society.
Sorry Joe, that 90%+ claim has already been discredited, bad dog, no biscuit.
This from climatechangedispatch.com
The authors hand picked the 1,372 scientists in their review, a small portion of the 10s of thousands of scientists who have weighed in on the subject, and made up their own criteria for determining agreement with the IPCC and for determining who’s credible and who’s not. If the public pays much attention to this paper – I personally guarantee you’ll be hearing more about the bias, misrepresentations, and misleading illogic that this paper has to offer.
Over 30,000 scientists signed a petition urging the United States to reject the Kyoto agreement, stating:
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing, or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.
More information here
Research prevents self embarrassment Joe. 😉
Gotta get my kicks in on Joe too…I have 30yrs operational wx fcsting experience Joe…AGW is bull…now if you have a similar background and experience feel free…the left has been playing this crap since Eisenhower, to stupid to be Pres..The daisy commercial for LBJ…Reagan was old stupid senile ect ect ect…and Carter was a god…
Joe said “And go talk about gun laws to the mother of that lovely little nine year old who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Joe, you really need to get up to speed before you continue making yourself look stupid. The family releases a video stating that they do not want the tragedy of their daughter’s murder to be a catalyst for more restrictions.
Geesh, I swear we have to hand feed you the news all the time.
Joe said “We’re number one! (among developed countries in gun deaths per year)! Yippee! The U.S. was first at 14.24 gun deaths per 100,000 people. Compare that to Japan at 0.05 gun deaths per 100,000. That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Yeah, I know the predictible response – I would hate to live in Japan. Japan sucks. The Japanese are subserviant to their government (unlike us freewheeling cowboys). Yeah, I know.”
Joe, Joe, Joe; when are you going to start using logic? If we were to go by your premise, then Washington DC and Chicago should be 2 of the safest cities on the planet with their ultra restrictive gun laws; right? Maybe you should stroll around several of the neighborhoods, at night, in those 2 cities, eh?
Joe; why don’t you look at Kennesaw Georgia for a second? They require every household to be armed and they have one of the lowest crime rates in the country.
Please try and square that with your (lack of)reasoning.
Here’s a little reason and logic for you, Joe: Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human in…teraction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that’s it. In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some. When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force. The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender. There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad force equations. These are the people who think that we’d be more civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier for a [armed] mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only true if the mugger’s potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or by legislative fiat–it has no validity when most of a mugger’s potential marks are armed. People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong, and the many, and that’s the exact opposite of a civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.… Read more »
Did you really just say “more heat equals more evaporation equals more precipitation”?
And all that heat just magically freezes that precipitation into snow and ice……It’s snowing in Georgia!!! Fucking idiot.
Joey, in your post #17, you quote USA Today? That’s a laugher, to start with, but you apparently didn’t read the article. It’s full of “scientists believe“, scientists “think“. Is that anything like “Feelings”? And 97%? That’s what caused the referee to throw the bullshit flag as the journolists lined up for a 4th and long attempt at a first down.
Why do you insist on coming here and proving ROS is right, that you are, indeed, a fucking idiot?
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by 1mattcartoon. 1mattcartoon said: Washington Post's Toles cartoon today – This ain't Hell, but you … http://bit.ly/hb5hcY […]
This web site is so far out of reality that it is actually funny. Take a whole grab bag of kooky ideas and web sites like this air them as if they are logical and considered ideas.
You guys are the reason our beloved nation is going downhill. Yes – you folks are neanderthals – mildly educated, left behind by technology and progress, stuck in a rose colored lens view of the past and clueless about today’s reality.
There is no value to even start refuting your arguments – you are the reason China is going to beat the crap out of us. You have no clue as to what happened thirty years ago that began the demise of our middle class and by default of America – that’s because you do not know diddly about graphs and plotting data on paper. You swallow crap from druggie-adulterers like Rush Limbaugh and regurgitate the garbage.
I’m willing to bet you’re not quite the erudite you think you are. Believe it or not, you’re not the only educated person in the world, though I’m willing to wager you’re off the “book educated, yet dumb as hell” type.
You can’t refute anything, because aside from pathetic attempts at ad hominem attacks, you have nothing substantial to say.
Why don’t you slither back into the shallow depths of whatever cess filled gene pool you came from, before you embarrass yourself any further?
“This web site is so far out of reality that it is actually funny.” Out of reality? Do you mean out of touch with reality?
“Take a whole grab bag of kooky ideas and web sites like this air them as if they are logical and considered ideas.” Yes, even kooky ideas are considered ideas.
That’s enough. No, JP, the illuminatus who chose the screen name Actuallyeducated is neither practically schooled nor well educated.
…and the post is almost two years old. But topical still.
I took my two cats to the grooming shop this morning. I’ve known the owner of the shop for 35 years. She said her Medicare Part B rate is going up, her other health coverage rate (C&D) is going up, and what it all covers is going down. I asked her if she remembered that bit about Obamacare saving money for the individuals. She snorted and said “Not so much.”
I’m waiting for my sister to call me and whine about it. Then I can rub her nose in it.