The continuing John C. Wheeler story unfolds slowly

| January 5, 2011

In regards to the veteran who was murdered last week in Delaware the case is getting more weird and confusing by the day.

I saw this video earlier today and I’ve been waiting for Fox to put it up. You can see Wheeler in his last hours at about 1:40 into the video. Notice he’s carrying one of his shoes in his left hand and he has no jacket.

I doubt a rational person would really think he is homeless as Eric Shawn claims in his report. He looks like he needs help, but I guess no one in Wilmington was up for it that day. i guess that’s why Biden kept getting sent back to the Senate – that’s all they got.

Category: Society

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Old Trooper

Weird? Yes. Sad? Definitely. Was it dementia, as the lady posited, or could he have had a blood sugar thing going on like a diabetic? Could he have been poisoned? Don’t know. There are so many questions and no answers, at this point. What I really don’t like is the insertion of “explosive devices found at the house being built next door to his house and that they were suing the owner” as if that ties in to this, somehow. Media is definitely lazy and likes to sensationalize everything and this is no exception. They have no idea about who planted the devices anymore than they know what happened in the death of Mr. Wheeler. Thant’s the kind of bullshit that turns many people off to watching the news and Fox is no better than the others, if this is what they pass off as journalism.


Yes to what Old Trooper said.


As I continue thru life as a bleeding heart conservative (read Christian) stuff like this just continues to break my heart. It is our job, each and every person, to help each and every person we are physically able whether they deserve it or not. I’m not talking about giving someone Meth money– but call an ambulance, the police, talk to them for goodness sake. This guy is famous, but people are treated like this everyday– with complete indifference. 🙁
On a political note- this is a direct result of thinking the goverment is helping, or that it’s the gov’t’s job to do the helping. You see a guy you think is homeless or whatev and you just assume the gov’t is already helping. There is no concern that YOU MIGHT BE THE ONE who has to help the person.


AND another thing… 😉
People saw this guy who was clearly going thru a medical emergency of some sort and they just claim he looked homeless and that gives them their free pass for not caring.
I know panhandling is a lucrative job, I know most homeless fried their own brains… “whatever you did for one of the least of these” the point is they DON’T DESERVE IT and the goodness in us helps anyway.

ok, I’m done.


Further testament to the rampant apathy taking over the general mindset.


They interviewed some of the people that saw him, and one lady regretted not doing anything more when she found out who he was.


Instinct tells me this man was having serious problems with his blood sugar.


Tman, the majority of our population has been dumbed down to not help someone in distress. Instead its preferred they call “911” which may entail at a minimum 30 minutes arrival.


Why does whom he was make a difference? That’s the crap that infuriates me.