Code Pink celebrates a new Congress

| January 5, 2011

While the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, the hags of Code Pink pretty much stayed away from Capitol Hill. But now that the Republicans control the House, Code Pink is wasting no time shoving their haggard faces in front of cameras reporting on the new Congress;

Dear Jonn,

Happy New Year! We have a busy month ahead. Please join us whenever you can. It’s time to put the wars back on the national agenda and demand that we bring our war dollars home!

First Day of New Congress: Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 5, 11 am, Longworth Bldg, Congress
Please join us for a visit to Speaker John Boehner’s office, on the first day of congress, to say yes, shrink the federal budget by ending the wars. Boehner’s office is at 1011 Longworth. We will meet at the lobby inside the Longworth building (Independence entrance) at 11am, then proceed to the office to turn in our letters to the speaker.? Please let us know if you are coming – ?email or call ?415-235-6517

And they’re back on the Guantanamo train now that Congress has cut off the President’s legs on that issue;

Tuesday, January 11. Close the prison at Guantanamo.
The prison–symbol of a legacy that includes rendition, extralegal detention and torture–will enter its 10th year of operation. This legacy endures, despite the promise of President Obama to close Guantanamo. We will gather at the White House for a press conference with a coalition of human rights and grassroots groups and then proceed in a “prisoner procession” to the Department of Justice, where some participants will engage in nonviolent direct action and others can simply witness.
10:30am – Gather @ the White House
11:00am – Press Conference @ the White House with the Center for Constitutional Rights and and other groups
11:45am – procession to the Department of Justice
12:15pm – 1:00pm – Vigil & direct action at Dept of Justice
Visit for up-to-date information and, if you are willing, to reserve a jumpsuit for the prisoner procession.

On January 15th, they plan on marching behind Martin Luther King’s corpse (figuratively, of course) to demand an end to all war. Bless their hearts. And on the 17th, they’re going to march at Quantico to convince the Marines to release Bradley Manning. I’m sure the Marines are scared to death.

It’s a good thing that the Republicans kicked ass in the last election before the Code Pink hags exploded from a lack of being in front of cameras.

Category: Code Pink

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Old Trooper

Anyone surprised that they’re now coming to Capitol Hill, again? Yeah, I’m not, either. Completely transparent moves, which shows it is not now, nor has it ever been about the wars, troops, or Gitmo, just more leftist politics.


I live 5 miles from the Quantico main gate. I guess that I will have something to do on the 17th.


NO surprise there, OT. Nothing but communist politics to see, move along please.