Some phonies don’t even try

| December 24, 2010

C’mon, man, make it hard for us to spot you. Paul found these pictures on Facebook and folks are trying to ID this peawit. Paul thought that maybe you can help.

Not only are Butt Nugget’s badges on the wrong side, they’re out of order, too.

Added: We now know that the name of the bar is called Brigett’s Last Laugh in Phoenix.

We now have him on under the “Can anyone ID these impostors” section.

Category: Phony soldiers

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AW1 Tim

To top it off, he’s wearing a WHITE T-shirt too.


Old Trooper

This buttplug is just too easy. I sincerely hope that some squared away pfc, home on leave, beats him like a rented mule.

Old Trooper

In fact, the more I see his tough guy pose flipping off the camera; I want to go beat his ass. Of course, he’s wearing the obligatory Ranger tab, as well.

Ok, I feel better, now.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!


I spent a good amount of time swapping war stories with my father-in-law, who earned two purple hearts while in the thick of things in Vietnam. I was both honored and humbled by this talk, and as I view this humble guy with awe, he expresses how proud he is that I get to wear my 101 combat patch. So for this jackass to impress his grubby underserving paws with such honors is insulting.

Dave Thul

Ironically, the Army would probably be more concerned with him drinking in uniform than with not being authorized to wear it.

Doc Bailey

I get so fed up with this shyte.


Where were these photos found? Whose page?

Trigger Mike

I’m not sure where he is at, but it looks like some low rent dubbing facility. Behind him in the second picture there are dubbing decks and cassettes. It could be VHS, 3/4 tape, or, and I doubt it, HD tape that most news stations use. But the place looks way too low rent to be a pro outfit just judging by how they have their gear set up. I thought “Darkside” might be a type of beer because at first I thought it was a bar but there are a lot of homegrown beer makers out there that use Darkside and I could not find one with a matching logo.

Not I think this will take us far, but in the first pic the sign caught my attention.

It is lyrics from this song:

Rob D

There is soooo much fail in the way he is wearing that uniform. It makes me chuckle…


so what do you do if your at a bar and an obvious stolen valor guy is there. Confront? Ridicule? fight?


break a 25ounce whiskey bottle over his head, and make sure that when he wakes up his uniform is no longer stealing valor.

Don Carl

bman, I would just have to ridicule the dumb S.O.B. until he threw a punch, and then, he’d be mine.

Michael in MI

so what do you do if your at a bar and an obvious stolen valor guy is there. Confront? Ridicule? fight?
I think confront and ridicule would suffice, since I imagine that most of these tools wear the uniform in order to pick up chicks. So calling him out and ridiculing him would end that goal for him right there and make him the laughing stock of the bar.

Southern Class

And the douchettes,,,,,do they really believe him? I would promise them not to make a deposit in their mouthes.
I am an old fogey, but who wears the Screamin’ Eagle without the tab? Or is that it way above it. Gonna have to put those photos in my photo shop and get the shadows out.
Don Carl has the plan. Make him make you defend yourself.
No offense to doing that.


Both Darkside Bar and Darkside Studios comes up on Google Search; the Darkside Bar has a link to Facebook and MySpace that I can’t access from work, but the link says there are videos. Perhaps the gentleman in question might be found there?


Seen me the links and I will take a look.


#15 Sporkmaster:

Two for MySpace:

One on Facebook:


Jesus, it’s like they’re not even trying anymore.

Old Trooper

Reg: #10

All of the above, well, the last one if necessary, but public confrontation and ridicule would definitely happen.



I would have to go with no because of the walls on this club are a lot nicer and not like the ones at the club above. I think that it has to be some kind of drink.

John the Baptist


Someone was moaning about these tools mostly wearing 1st CAV patches, seems like most I see have either 101st ABN or SF.

Oh, and Southern Class – the 101st did wear the patch without the ABN tab for a time, from 1948-1956. They were a reduced, reflagged division used as basic training cadre at Camp Breckinridge, KY, and Ft. Jackson, SC.

Doc Bailey

Alright really when can I beat the shit out of this Wannabe? Its beyond insulting just how bad he fucked up the uniform that my comrades died in. I say monkey stomp his ass THEN ridicule.


In the advertisement behind this phony is the lyrics for a song by Cake Band, I never heard of them.
They are touring Dallas, Austin Texas 12-30-2010 and 12-31-2010 respectively, among other places in Texas.
Does anybody know when this pic …was taken?
Maybe there is a place in Texas named Darkside?
This guy sure is a Doofus.
I think this picture was taken in the Darkside bar in Dallas, MF said he found a Darkside Bar in Dallas.


The bar is called Bridget’s Last Laugh, the address is 17222 N Cave Creek Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85032


The promoter is called Papa T. He does a karaoke bit called Papa T’s Dark Side of the Moon. He puts pictures up on his Facebook each weekend. I live 5 minutes away from this bar.

Michael in MI

Speaking of Cake, the only video worth watching of them (in my opinion) is this one: Building a Religion


Why would someone sing a Cake song for karaoke, anyway?


I messaged the guy that posted these pics on the facebook group, and here is his reply:

“The only thing I know is that the bar is called Bridget’s Last Laugh and is located in Phoenix, AZ which is where I live. I left that night before the guy came in. The promoter there takes pictures and posts them on the bar’s website. If I was there when that dude walked in things would be drastically different for that fucking clown.”


What…no ARVN Wings? He MUST be a fake! Thank you bozo for not wearing a Cav Patch….Fuck you for wearing any at all! Hope you guys in Arizona can track this douche down and wish him a real Merry Christmas.


Strike, if he got away with it one time, he’ll do it again. I fervently hope you, and hopefully some other vets are there the next time he tries.


There isn’t an order of precedence for the wings, is there? I’ve seen AAslt above Jump wings before … but, he probably only got that “right” by accident. Douche.


Just a minor point on the contention of the badges being out of order. The Airborne and Air Assault badges are of the same class, so the AR doesn’t set a precendence on which is worn above the other, or closest to the heart if worn on the pocket of dress uniforms.

As a fomer 101st Redleg, wearing the bullwinkle badge above the jump wings was acceptable, and even encouraged General Keane was injured jumping into Normandy during an anniversary celebration (1994, I think).


What an IDIOT!!!


This is super interesting.

I would have loved to be at that bar. Just to pick him apart. I didn’t wear the ACU, But I doubt the AR was changed that you wear your badges on the Right Breast Above where your last name Should be.

I took notice to no last name on the uniform. And am all but disgusted that this POS whould even think about entering a bar in military uniform.


There I was… this ain’t no shit… Chopper was downed, behind the lines.. all dead but the LT copilot. I had a .45 with 5 rounds left and a P38. I shot two VC and carved a living hole through 40 more draggin the LT… I saved 2 rounds incase we were surrounded.. one for me, one for him… Gawd this get’s deep…LMAO


call the cops on the shitbird and let then have him its a felonly now for posers like that


Error 1 – No name tag

Error 2 – White t-shirt

Error 3 – pin on rank goes above “U.S. Army” not name

Error 4 – Airborne tab is part of the uniform patch, doesn’t go with the ranger tab

The air assault above airborne thing would actually be “correct” were he really a member of the 101st and stationed at Campbell. Do that at Bragg and you’d be lucky to get five steps from your car alive.


youre all a bunch of pussies. who gives a flying fuck ig the guys a fake or not. you were stupid to join the freaking military in the first place so go fuck yourselves


i know this guy and its halloween. by the way, i dont care how tough you fags think you are, this kid could kick all your asses at the same time so fuck you!

2-17 AirCav

#38. Thank you for resurrecting this item. I wasn’t here for the first go-around. Your explanation is that it’s Halloween? I guess that explains the ugly sisters (that’s a reference to Macbeth, bright light) and the wall decorations at the bar. Tell me, is it true that lard ass has to put a mirror on the floor to see his pecker? And maybe he’d like to waddle over to Fort Campbell dressed like that. The fellas there would get a kick out of it–or into it, as it were.


@37 and @38…same IP in Peoria. Color me shocked.

Hmmmm…got family in Phoenix area. Hell, I oughta make a trip out. I could use the laugh. About the only way this fat fucker is gonna beat anyone here is if he manages to sit on them.

David baker

What a tool….

We get them all the Time in England pretending to be retired SF etc

They invariably screw up with medals o going too over the top with badges etc

Respect from a real vet in the UK


1-38th Cav Scout

Yes, he’s a dumb ass and probably fake because he doesn’t look the high speed kind to wear those badges and tabs. On the other hand AR 670-1 says that the person that has the badges (both class 4) con pick what order they go in, so I do also wear my AA wings on top of my Abn because I have done more real AA missions than Abn jumps and I’m proud of it. So now let’s find this AH and give him a lesson!…He;s in Phoenix, AZ