Whistleblowers, Truth Tellers & Peacemakers

| December 15, 2010

I guess Code Pink is running out of things to protest, so they went to give their fellow traveler, communist Bernie Sanders a hug in his office yesterday and tomorrow they’re going to the AG’s office to tell him to prosecute “real war criminals”

I wonder who they mean by “real war criminals”. Probably the troops – well, the troops who aren’t the ones we would consider criminals. Those are the ones Code Pink wants to march with tomorrow – Geezers For Sitting On Our Hands, VVAW, IVAW, March Forward.

Speaking of whom, Matthis wants you to march with him in DC tomorrow;

If anyone gets pictures of the cluster in DC tomorrow, I’ll gladly post them.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink

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Hmmm… the anti-war crowd suddenly returning to the limelight. And just in time for a Republican/TEA Party-dominated House of Representatives. What were the odds?!?!

Doc Bailey

Hey our Buddy Ward is back. Sadly my *former* battle buddy is just as excited about it.

Just who are they saying are war criminals? are there names, dates, events? I mean after Haditha . . . oh wait that WASN’T a war crime? well then Surley GITMO. . . oh wait you mean to say the Geneva Convention doesn’t give a shit about irregulars? well surely there’s proof of Death camps. . . wait no. Damn well there goes that theory.

I would have to ask, in all honesty, if any elected official takes these nuts seriously? If veterans are less than 10% (give or take) of all Americans, then what percentage is this population I wonder? and since Code pink is bug shit insane, can any RATIONAL person take their praise or Ire with anything more that a “WTF”?


I don’t mean to digress to asthetics in this discussion, but someone needs to OUTLAW that shade of pink. Hasn’t it been linked to seizures, the gag reflex…something??


If they had any interest at all in actual “civil disobedience” they would be setting up schools for girls in Afghanistan.


…Well, that would be one way to get rid of that color, because it would run RED pretty damn quick over there…


IVAW already had a bona fide war criminal in their ranks and did nothing; Jon Turner confessed at Winter Soldier, and in several other places, to shooting and killing an Iraqi man who was, in his words, “innocent.” Apparently, this murder was not worthy of investigation; as far as I know, not one single self-righteous war-crime-hating “Iraq” “Veteran” Against the War has advocated that Turner be held to account for his crime. I guess you get a pass on killing innocent people if you advance the agenda.


Its deodarant…run for your lives.

Doc Bailey

this might seem odd, but I’m against Pink in general. Any place that has excessive pink freaks me out.

Marooned in Marin

Bernie’s (and probably Michael Moore) about the only guy who’d get a thrill from by hugging those ugly hags.


HuffPo just made the protest breaking news, sending the masses on the chat boards into a frothing love-fest of stories by hippies describing how their Vietnam protests changed the world.

Doc Bailey

#10) I’d really like to know how they changed the world for the better?


Their “world” changed for the better after a few of ’em started collecting regular paychecks from TIDES Foundation and our old pal’s at ANSWER Coalition. 8)