Go, Army

| December 11, 2010

Jeffrey Schogol from the Stars & Stripes emailed to remind us that the Army-Navy game is today. Of course, we root for the Army, generally here.

Jeffrey tells us that S&S is live blogging the game at this link. He adds that you can Twitter your questions to S&S at @LeoShane or #ArmyNavy.

I’ll be at an office Christmas Party for our agency’s undisclosed location staff – all three of us, all Army veterans – the rest of the day.

The theme of our Christmas Party is; Guns and alcohol don’t mix…but it happens.

Category: Breaking News

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Go Navy Beat Army (again hehe), FEAR the GOAT!

Don Carl

Go Army! Let the sailors play with their goat

AW1 Tim

GO NAVY! BEAT ARMY! Beat them like a rented mule!

Doc Bailey

Go Army! Steal the Goat and make Kabobs

Frankly Opinionated

This will be good conversation at our Christmas party for the 6th RANGER Training Bn, tonight.

Marine 83

Go Navy, beat the doggies.


Go Army, spank the squids!


Anyone who has a sterile animal (Mule) for a mascot deserves what is happening to them Navy = 24 Army = 7


Ellerson just called Steelman a bitch, I think, in that end of half interview.

Go Navy!


Go Navy, Beat Army!!! 🙂


So, tell me again, how is it with all that combat power you can’t stop eleven invertibrates with an inflated pigskin?

AW1 Tim

Nice game. Despite the score, Army showed real heart out there. Now let’s see them beat SMU!



Navy 31 Army 17

Need I say more ?? 😀


How many in a row does this make for Navy now?

AW1 Tim

That would be “9”……

Frankly Opinionated

Re: my #5:
I asked how the Army/Navy game was going, and was told only: “You mean the “Navy Game”. End of conversation.
Twas a gloomy evening at the Swamp Ranger Christmas party.
……in a hushed and soothing tone: “hooah”


#13 – YEA? But we gave them Hell anyhow!Go Army! Dang squids anyhow….Slippery bastages…..

Laughing Wolf

Doc, I like the way you think. 🙂

Just A Grunt

At least I know where the Navy QB lives. No, really I do know where he lives. About 10 miles down the road.

I was working yesterday but did have an ear on the game. Wait till next decade!

Oh one other thing I learned yesterday. Vince Lombardi coached at Army way back when. I have always admired Lombardi since reading a book by Jerry Kramer, an offensive guard at Green Bay, called Instant Replay. Last night on one of the cable channels they did a biography of Lombardi and like most of the players and people who knew him, I learned a lot more about life from reading this book which described Lombardi’s philosophy on life then I did football. I recommend it for everybody between the ages of 10 – 12. It’s an oldie but a goodie and a good roadmap for how to get the most out of life.


I’m thinking we should leave this topic at the top of the page for a while…

Doc Bailey

Alright Dammit I am SICK of Army getting Turkey Slapped by Navy. Can we PLEASE do something about it. Something just short of dropping Green Berets on Annapolis and breaking all midshipmen legs perhaps?


Crap. I’m in mourning …

9 straight is getting old. Steelman needs to work on his passing game … and holding on to the frickin’ ball!!!

Lord, it hurt watching that 98 yard return. I was starting to wonder if there was a sword handy to fall on. Sigh …


Careful Doc, we might have to send TWO female middies to fuck ya’ll up if you keep talking smack.


Congrats to the winners of the runner up award for the Commander in Chiefs Trophy! Go Air Force!