Clinton supports Obama tax deal

| December 10, 2010

Bill Clinton stepped up for President Obama’s brokered tax deal today. From the UPI;

Appearing with President Barack Obama, who said he brought “the other guy in” on a slow news day, Clinton said the tax compromise would be a “significant net-plus for the country.”

“The agreement taken as a whole is, I believe, the best bipartisan agreement we can reach to help the largest number of Americans, and to maximize the chances that the economic recovery will accelerate and create more jobs, and to minimize the chances that it will slip back, which is what has happened in other financial collapses,”

Do you remember what Clinton said about the very same tax rates in 2005?

Ex-president Bill Clinton is blasting President Bush’s economic policies as “immoral” and “unethical,” saying he blames administration tax cuts for increasing hostility towards the U.S. around the world.

“I hear all this talk about family values and all this stuff,” Clinton told an audience at the University of Minnesota on Saturday, before explaining how an old friend had been hurt by cuts in subsidies for Americans in need while the wealthy got tax cuts.

“I resent it,” Clinton said, his voice rising in anger. “I think it’s immoral, I think it’s unethical.”

“Nobody ever explains what the meaning of those tax cuts are,” he told the crowd. “So we’re going to give them their tax cuts first and then go ask the Chinese to loan us money to help save the lives of the young men and women we send into combat.”

He went on to disparage them to George Stephanopoulos;

STEPHANOPOULOS: The president is not going to move. What do Democrats do?

CLINTON: They should continue to oppose it, and they should make it an issue in the 2006 election, and they should make it an issue in the 2008 election. And they should hope, to goodness, for the sake of our country, that the cows don’t come home before we have time to rectify it.

Believe me, I’m all for maintaining or lowering the current tax rates, but then, I was for them in 2001. I wonder why all of a sudden they’re so important now and five years ago they were immoral. The only thing different is the party that the President belongs to now.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Isn’t “hypocrisy” Billy’s middle name?


Roger that, OldCav.

“The only thing different is the party that the President belongs to now.”

Oh yeah, Jonn, the hypocrisy is breathtaking … but then it’s Slick Willy …

Doc Bailey

Question: how exactly does internal tax policies, have to do with international perception of us?

Getting consistency from a liberal is one of the most futile gestures ever.

Michael in MI

Yeah, it’s pretty amazing how the Democrats, the Left and the MF-ing media called the Bush Tax Cuts part of “the failed policies of the last 8 years!”, yet they now turn around and extend “the failed policies of the last 8 years!” for another 2 years. The problem is that Obama is setting himself up to pull a fast one on the Republicans. He ‘prepped the battlefield’ by saying that the choice was either (1) raising taxes or (2) extending the Bush Tax Cuts. He also framed the debate as ‘extending the Bush Tax Cuts’ = cutting taxes. But nothing of the sort was done. There were no tax cuts here. He simply kept the current tax rate, that we’ve had since 2001, the same. That does nothing to spur the economy. Cutting taxes would spur the economy. Keeping them the same simply prevents the economy from getting worse, which would have happened had they allowed the current rates (the rate achieved by the Bush Tax Cuts in 2001 and 2003) to expire. Obama can now argue during the campaign of 2012 that he tried things the Republican way, he compromised with them and tried ‘tax cuts’, they didn’t work and that proves that the Republican way — tax cuts — is a failure. Even though this compromise bill has nothing to do with tax cuts, it simply maintains current rates. But he and the MF-ing media will not explain that of course. I think all this drama now with the radical left-wing of the Democrat Party (which is basically the entire Democrat Part, there are no ‘moderates’ in the Party anymore) criticizing Obama is a way to ‘prep the battlefield’ for 2012. He’s playing the ‘pragmatic moderate’ to their left-wing radicalism. This allows Obama to claim that he stood up to his own Party, compromised with Republicans and tried him damndest to fix the economy for the American people. And, that he had no choice but to do so, since Republicans were in charge (even though they are not in charge yet). Ramming this bill through now is… Read more »


I love it when the pres__ent leaves his own presser to go to a fucking XMas party because he doesn’t want to piss off his wife, leaving Bill up there to take the rest of the questions!

If this doesn’t tell you once and for all how totally unqualified Obama is to be anything more than a teleprompter reader, I don’t know what is.

Leaving Bill up there, eh? Prepping us all for a 2012 primary challenge from Cankles herself? We shall see.


“Cankles herself”? LMAO, after I cleaned off the monitor. Good one, Sparky.
And, yeah, leaving Bill on stage by himself, because he has to go to a Christmas party? What a pussy…..

Michael in MI

And, yeah, leaving Bill on stage by himself, because he has to go to a Christmas party?
I think, if the Left were consistent, they would ream Obama over the coals for this in the same way they reamed Palin over the coals for resigning from her Governor position in Alaska.

Yeah, Obama didn’t ‘quit/resign the Presidency’ (akin to Palin ‘quitting’/resigning her Governorship), but he quit one of his responsibilities as President in order to appease his wife. Smaller scale, but still.

Granted, I never expect the Left to have consistent standards.