Obama: I don’t normally negotiate with hostage takers

| December 7, 2010

During his big speech to Democrats about accepting the deal he cut with Republicans, Obama told the assembled personages that he doesn’t normally negotiate with hostage takers, unless the hostage is about to harmed. He went on to say that the hostages, in this case, are the American people. Well, that’s a great way to build bridges between the aisles, isn’t it?

Of course he stole the line from at least two journalistic sources. One being Newsweek and the other is the Washington Monthly both of which called Republicans hostage takers before the president’s little talk today.

I watched the president get increasingly irritated as the bomb tossing press basically called him a big pussy for capitulating to Republicans. It was almost as if they were trying to change his mind. But that couldn’t be true, could it?

In the meantime, Nancy Pelosi is living up to her reputation as an idiot who learned nothing in this last election. Obviously, she still doesn’t think all of those “Fire Pelosi” signs (coffee mugs, T-shirts, bobble heads, websites, etc….) were aimed at her. The Hill writes;

In a post on Twitter, Pelosi said the GOP provisions in the tax proposal would add to the deficit and help the rich without creating jobs. The GOP provisions “help only wealthiest 3%, don’t create jobs & add tens of billions to deficit,” the Pelosi tweet said.

The Speaker expanded on her criticism of the Republican proposals in a statement that notably withheld any commitment of support.

I only wish that she was just as concerned about deficits when she rammed through all of that domestic spending last year. Of course, what she’s really worried about is the whole country is discovering what a great thing George Bush did when he cut taxes, and she’s afraid that we’ll all discover what a giant lie upon which the Democrat Party bases it’s entire philosophy.

And I guess now Nancy Pelosi is holding us hostage.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks

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He’s been a big disappointment, to say the least. A wimp, and a republican in sheep’s clothing. I bet even you conservatives would have more respect for him if at least he’d put up more of a fight.


He has been a disappointment. Wimp? Possibly, but probably inept is a better word. He is no Republican. And the only way I’d respect him more is if he’d refuse to run for a second term.


…and the wording is a little twisty, but Joe…
Did you just call Democrats “sheep”?


It’s a sucker’s bet that our POTUS, the DNC, and his own Organizing for America will be proclaiming “Obama Cut Your Taxes” starting in 2011. And the rich folk whose wallets he was going to empty will shower money on him.

Welcome to American politics: the Stockholm Syndrome on Steroids.


I guess I did. I was more interested in the republican = wolf part of the metaphor, but the way we’ve been led around these last two years, maybe sheep’s a good description. But lately there have been more and more angry sheep. I hope a democrat with some guts challenges and beats him in 2012. I’d almost prefer a conservative I can really hate to the current marshmallow inhabiting the white house.

Adirondack Patriot

Joe, how can you say he’s been a big disappointment when there was nothing for him to live up to? He campaigned on vague and evasive promises of “Hope and Change”? He was a lukewarm community organizer and law professor. He had no record of achievement in anything he’s ever done. (He was given the Harvard Law Review Editor position as a peace offering for a racial dispute on campus. (Just ask Justice Elena “Payback” Kagan, the former Harvard Law School Dean.)We don’t even know what his grades were like in college or law school and here he is the President of the United States. He was everything and nothing at the same time.

Conservatives saw nothing in him. Liberals saw everything in him.

He has certainly lived down to conservative expectations, and will never meet the liberals’ expectations.


Joe, although I was teasing just a little over your wording, the plain fact is this: everyone suffers when fools are in charge. Right now, what we desperately need is a real leader with a real vision to step forward, someone who knows both how to lead and LISTEN.


Yeah Adirondack Patriot,
His campaign rhetoric was kinda nebulous, but I thought when it came down to cases, like the current tax cut debacle, or the bank bailout, he’d come down on the side of democratic principles. But over and over again he’s disappointed me, and a lot of others. Give me someone who’s not afraid to ruffle a few feathers, and even make a fool of himself, like Howard Dean…..


“And even make a fool of himself, like Howard Dean…..” Yeah, if only he’d gone out and screamed “YEARRRRRGH” everything would be unicorns and Skittles, right, Joey?
But, I do go along with your sense of disappointment, after all, he dithered for months on the “Good War”. And, he’s never found a despot, or mayor, he won’t bow down to. So, he’s disappointed many on both sides of the aisle, however, for different reasons.


“Democratic principles” and the lauding of Howard Dean in the same breath? Christ, I needed that laugh.


There’s no end to the Belle of Botox’s hypocrisy:

“In a post on Twitter, Pelosi said the GOP provisions in the tax proposal would add to the deficit and help the rich without creating jobs.”

You mean like almost every bill that witch passed?

Obama’s microscopic testicles aren’t the thing. Why the GOP is caving here is what’s beyond me.

They SHOULD keep pushing for the GOP version of the tax issue, and give up NOTHING else.

It’s actually the GOP caving and adding $900 billion or so to the deficit with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Political stupidity at it’s finest.

Mike W

I notice what is missing in the conversation is the half of the population that pays no federal taxes. What is their contribution to the deficit and why arent the dems going after them.

Old Tanker

Pelosi said the GOP provisions in the tax proposal would add to the deficit and help the rich without creating jobs.

Add to the deficit? When in all of G_d’s holy creation did you ever care about a deficit?? Maybe if the tax cuts amounted to…..of say….5 trillion or so would they get to your realm. And just remember, it isn’t YOUR money you silly bint. Raise your hands…how many broke-ass m$#^er F#$%kers ever created a job? Funny, there aren’t enough around for me to hear them clapping….

Doc Bailey

Its really funny how selective politicians can be. I especially love how high and mighty they get after they just got the tar beat out of them. Sadly it goes both ways. After creating the deficit, now republicans are harping on spending. Of course Democrats set up the laws that allowed the financial crisis to happen so . . . no wonder the Tea Party was pissed at EVERYONE


Joe: “…I thought when it came down to cases, like the current tax cut debacle, or the bank bailout, he’d come down on the side of democratic principles.

You forgot ignoring a nearly 2-to-1 majority of the people opposing Obamacare, or would that be one you hold as an example of him living up to “democratic principles”?

Doc Bailey

Joe, we’re not wolves (unless you put some terrorist scum in front of me) sheep dogs. BIG difference.

As a Californian I can honestly say Pelosi is an embarrassment. I wish she and her ilk would leave my state. Its bad enough Imperial valley is drying up, but the rest of the country points to MY state as the reason this country is taking a nose dive.

And as for Barry, I honestly hope he removes his head from his 4th point of contact. I WANT THE POTUS TO SUCCEED! I oppose a lot of his policies (see almost all) but the President is not a man, it is an office, and every troop from the lowest private right up to the CJCS WANTS him to do well. Why? Its our ass on the line when he fucks up.


Joe, does it hurt when you twist yourself into that many knots?


In a post on Twitter, Pelosi said the GOP provisions in the tax proposal would add to the deficit and help the rich without creating jobs. The GOP provisions “help only wealthiest 3%, don’t create jobs & add tens of billions to deficit,” the Pelosi tweet said.

You dizzy bitch. Please explain to me how ME keeping more of MY MONEY adds to the deficit? ITS MY MONEY!!!! It’s NOT YOURS!! YOU add to the deficit every time you open your mouth. SPENDING adds to the deficit, not lowering the tax rate. If you create the environment for businesses to create jobs and people to make more money, you get MORE TAX REVENUE, you dumb c word.