Is Gordon Duff working for Egypt government?

| December 7, 2010

An Egyptian governor is blaming Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, of sabotaging Egypt’s beaches with killer sharks according to Fox News;

An Egyptian official believes that Israel’s intelligence agency might be behind the fatal shark attack of a German tourist in Sinai over the weekend, the Jerusalem Post reports.

“What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark (in the sea) to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm,” South Sinai Gov. Muhammad Abdel Fadil Shousha told

I guess these days, it’s just easier to blame the Jews for all of your problems than to take responsibility or actually investigate anything. Gordon Duff should have no problem finding a job over there in the Near East.

Category: General Whackos

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Duff works for a wage??


Let’s see, now. Israel trains a killer shark, drops it off the coast of Egypt to attack German tourists, thereby undermining Egyptian tourism, and of course, strking a blow against the Germans also. Hhmmmm.

Maybe Tom Clancy should be taking notes. This is really good stuff!


Not just any sharks but, sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads.


Dude!! Why don’t we have attack on command sharks? I mean sure we’ve got dolphins and seals and such but come on we need government trained Great Whites cruising the seas looking for something to eat in the name of the Red White and Blue. CIA, NSA..FAIL..

Bubblehead Ray

Come ON people! Is it too much to ask for a fricken shark with a friken laser beam?

Sniper has a great movie poster for this “report”.

Doc Bailey

You know a lot of Bond Villains like using Sharks in their evil schemes to take over the world. Obviously the Israelis are following suit. I mean after all we’re talking about the people responsible for the Black Death, the Fall of Rome, and who regularly have Bloody Marries with Muslim Baby blood. Of course they would do something like this. The heathens!


What movie was that a few years ago with Samuel L. Jackson and LL Cool J? Deep Blue or something? Where they genetically engineered sharks to be really smart and powerful? Who knew they were all portraying JEWS!!!!!

Ignorance is SO bliss…….

Tony Ryals

Dunno but Debbie Menon of Veterans Today commutes between Dubai and Melbourne and Sheikh Mohamed Al Rashid bin Maktoum did get over 20% stake in NASDAQ and the right to manipulate U.S.stocks from Dubai as a consolation prize for not getting control of U.S.ports through Dubai Ports a couple of years ago thanks to Barack Osama Obama’s SEC Chairman and IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman who stashed a few million bucks here and there for selling it to them when they changed NASD to FINRA AND LIQUIDATED THE NASDAQ to the highest bidder or briber in which case the Sheikh apparently won.So it must be nice for Duff and Menon to have good relations with his Highnass of Dubai.(Allah be praised as Duff likes to say and maybe you would to with contacts like that.) However as you can see below or by taking the Netherlands Indymedia link and reading his email to me he also has ex CIA DIA George Tenet with his Agora Inc and In-Q-Tel CIA stock money laundering ops ‘on speed dial’.Allah be praised. Although I thought if Islam didn’t take to usary it also didn’t take to stock share money laundering.Bur not being very religious,what do I know ?¿ Does Pakistani General Hamid Gul work for Gordon Duff or vers visa ? They probably both work for George ‘9/11’ Tenet….. And I guess Tenet works for George Herbert Walker Bush cause they both were pall bearers of that unfortunate ex CIA fellow who was ‘accidentally’ assassinated by the Houston police a while back.Oh my don’t get me started…. Indymedia NL (Nederland) – Julian Assange,Wikileaks:Veterans Today … 14 Dec 2010 … Gordon Duff and Lila Rajiva and their CIA connections by way of George … Tony Ryals – 14.12.2010 04:58 ”As for CIA connections..the entire idea is a joke. I had George Tenet on speed dial and have had for years. He is the cousin of one of my best friends.”-Gordon Duff,Veterans Today Gordon Duff must have enough on George Tenet to have him convicted of stock fraud at the very least.So why doesn’t he… Read more »

Tony Ryals

“I was dead for millions of years before I was born and it never inconvenienced me a bit.” — Mark Twain.

Tony Ryals

If Gordon Duff is more than peripherally connected to Bud Burrell of Arizona,(by way of Agora Inc and Lila Rajiva),who lies and threatens my life on thesanitycheck dot con website for calling his penny stock scams,CMKX,USXP,etc., illegal pumps and dumps then we have a British and Rothschild connection in his ‘international bank advisor’ connections. Also has anyone noticed besides me that VT and Gordon Duff’s new ‘reporter’ Gilad Atzmon, that anti-semite semite,(I know I’m joking and he’s really a white guy impersonating a semite),has the very same last name is stock fraudster and 9/11 mass murder suspect of ICTS International, named Menachem Atzmon.The Israeli Shin Beit oys of ICTS International and their Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops,(that they took over along with contracts to protect Logan Boston and Newark airports through their ICTS International stock fraud) who were never questioned after 9/11 are also the ones who ‘accidentally’ allowed Richard Reid the ‘shoe bomber’ to fly from DeGualle Paris to U.S.just after 9/11/01 and more recently the ‘crotch bomber’ on flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit with his so-called ‘crotch bomb’. Also one rumor that floats on VT is Duff is ‘Islamic’ and another is that his mother is Jewish.Any truth to either ? He has never commented to my knowledge.Gilad Atzmon is a very strange character and stranger still if he is related to Menachem Atzmon and has never disclosed.ICTS is even blamed by some for the London bombings of July 7,2005.Atzmon wrote about that but never mentioned his presumed Zionist relative mobney launderer(convicted in Israel)and 9/11 murder suspect. And yes Gordon Duff censors me for sure because of my leak of his email to me saying he has ex CIA STOCK FRAUDSTER AND MONEY LAUNDERER George Tenet ‘on speed dial’.Also is his flight 253 articles earlier this year he mentioned ICTS International of course but made no mention of Menachem Atzmon ? Also a controversy or another controvesy is brewing over Ken O’Keefe the ex marine of Human Shield infamy in Iraq just before the U.S.invasion.No telling who he’s working for but Gordon Duff’s VT and its take… Read more »