David Baillie II

| December 7, 2010

Well, the folks at POW Network have been at it again. While I got several tips on this guy, Mary and Chuck were already doing the detective work on David Baille. Someone sent me the FOIA on him last night;

So it looks like he missed the Korean War by three years and one Good Conduct Medal was his only award. According to the unit history of the 9th Cav, they returned from Korea with the rest of the First Cav Division about the time he got there and were reactivated at Fort Knox. However, the APO address was assigned to the 24th Infantry Division and he admits that he was in the 24th at his website.

I can find some history of a Specialist 3rd Class rank before the Second World War – it was an E-2 with extra pay – but none afterward, so I don’t know what’s going on there. I’m pretty sure that they didn’t wear Sergeant Major rank, though.

Thanks to ROS, 1stCavRVN11B, Sporkmaster and Stingerwooten for keeping me up to date.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Old Trooper

It makes perfect sense, now, as to why his “uniform” looks like something put together for a C list movie; he never had anything to put on his, so he just went shopping and got everything he needed to look like a sooper trooper! He can’t claim PTSD as to why he did it and he should have the CIB/EIB stuff where the sun doesn’t shine.


I’d be perfectly satisfied if he turned over every dime he made from his “books” to the Wounded Warrior Foundation, for starters.

And then let a few REAL Korea vets throat-punch his phony ass.

Old Tanker

Spec 3 eh??? Ya, that’s just like Sergeant Major, what’s the big deal?


F-ing Private……. 🙂


Guess that’s what happens when you have a wannabe who watched a few too many episodes of M*A*S*H…


I will never understand how a person can publicly and repeatedly take credit for 28 years of service, 2 wars, and multiple medals and other awards that they didn’t earn, and not ONE SINGLE PERSON in their life who knew them in that span and knows they’re completely full of shit will stand up to them.

This guy has family members (at least one person with the same name) among his facebook friends list and yet he’s obviously been pedaling this line of bullshit for over a decade with impunity. What a sad commentary on the gullibility of people, particularly since a number of his “friends” are also apparently veterans or active duty.


I’m sure he’ll have a good response to all this. But will it be the “passionate insistence of innocence combined with empty threats of legal action” or the “humble apology/claim of coping mechanism” in conjunction with the “I only did it to honor the troops” defense? Taking all bets!


Scott–you forgot one–the, “My REAL records were lost in the St. Louis fire.”


Um…You guys are forgetting the most obvious excuse: “I was just a private and I’m so ashamed of myself”? Everybody knows the US Army doesn’t function without privates and private first classes, am I not right?

Cudo’s to 1stCavRVN and POW Network. I knew one or the other had FOIA’s going. Sorry for playing defend the sucker, it was just too tempting to not do.



Unfortunately for Davey, the fire won’t work as an excuse, since it happened in 1973 and his “30 years of service” should have taken him well into the 80’s.

Not that it would stop him from trying it though, I’m sure.


When will he be confronted, and by whom?


@ #10 – *Tag*, we’re it?


I feel a cage match coming on, SS. 🙂

And for SFC’s viewing pleasure, the Specialist, 3rd (in this case, no) class….


Southern Class

I was Army from 1960-64. Specialist grades started with Spec-4, Only army 3 that I knew of was PFC E-3, Turd is more phony than Pelosi’s Chest. Or Ward Churchill’s Art, Or…….


These folks really confuse me. I would rather live with the disappointment of not having done more, or as much as I would have liked, in a job, than live with the shame of getting caught in a lie like this. And with a picture like this, how could he think he WOULDN’T get caught? Friends and family might let you slide, but when it’s put on Facebook, or some other public forum… what the devil is he thinking??


@ # 12 – I have my broom and mop at the ready for the cage match!

Southern Class

#12 ROS:
H’mmm, learn something every day. By 1960, that “stripe” had been changed to be for the Spec 4. Eagle only, no stripe.


Just to shed some lights on the mysterious ‘Specialist-3rd Class’ rank, believe it or not it really did exist. Here is an excerpt from the History of Enlisted Rank taken from the Dept. of the Army-Institute of Heraldry website:

1955. Army Regulation 615-15, dated 2 July 1954, announced a new grade structure effective 1 March 1955. The new titles were:

E7 Master Sergeant (First Sgt was an occupational title) and Master Specialist

E6 Sergeant 1st Class; Specialist 1st Class

E5 Sergeant; Specialist 2d Class

E4 Corporal; Specialist 3d Class

E3 Private First Class

E2 Private E2

E1 Private E1

War Department Circular No. 670-3, dated 12 October 1955, stated the effective date for the above change was 1 July 1955.

So, yes folks, this rank really did exist during the time period that this dirtbag served (albeit a very short period of service). Sooner or later, his lies were bound to catch up with him and bite him in the arse! What he has done is morally reprehensible, especially to those brave souls who died in the two wars he purports to be a veteran of. He needs to be taken down to the local VA hospital and let the WWII and Korean War vets have a ‘wall-to-wall counseling’ session.

Doc Bailey

Well shyte. Who knew this guy was an utter fake? I’m certainly shocked

John the Baptist

#12, Re: http://cgi.ebay.com/US-ARMY-1955-SPECIALIST-THIRD-CLASS-E-4-RANK-1-PAIR-/320542696206?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aa1d5630e

Hey, whatdayaknow, I started to say that eBay auction listing was incorrect, that it was a female Spec/4 insignia (like they wore in my era – 1970s), but then I ran into this:


Fascinating, I had never heard of a Specialist 3rd Class, either.

I used to be a regular at the Highland Games circuit in my state, and you would be stunned at how many heavily decorated Rangers, SEALs, SFs, SOGs, etc. became extraordinarily obese middle aged men who like to wear kilts to formal dress affairs.

Doc Bailey


When I go to pasture regardless of my decorations (unless I get famous) I fully intend to earn my beer gut, and sit back and laugh at all the idiots not wearing (insert substitute for kilt)


These are solid presale questions Clyde and you’re free to answer them in the thread. The answers will benefit other members.


comment image




A Spec 3 with a CIB an a EIB an a goatee…I feel a rap song coming on.


Can you earn the EIB, then go on to a combat tour and earn the CIB ? If so, does one supercede the other or can you wear both ?


@25 The EIB is earned by completing and passing a series of hands on Infantry Skills tests as well as a PT Test and Road march. The CIB will be worn if awarded, even though you could wear one or the other(not at the same time).


NavCWORet: rb325th is correct – the short answer is no, Army uniform regs prohibit wearing both the CIB and EIB simultaneously.

In the Army, combat and special skill badges are separated into one of 5 “groups”; there are prescribed limits on how many badges from each group can be worn simultaneously. Only one Group 1 badge can be worn at any time.

The EIB, CIB, and CAB are the three Group 1 badges. Even if the individual is qualified for all 3 (an Infantryman getting a CAB is possible if an Infantryman serves a combat tour assigned/attached to a non-infantry unit), only one may be worn at any given time.

Source: AR 670-1, para 29-17.

Margaret Baillie

Well, his family knows now!