Big Sis at Walmart

| December 7, 2010

Old Trooper and the dellys sent us a link to an article about the Homeland Security message that’s going to be playing at the Walmart near you;

I don’t have a problem with the message, actually, but I do have a problem with the medium. It’s just a little too Orwellian to have the big head spreading the government’s message at the checkout counter. And what, exactly, is “suspicious activity”? Someone stealing your snowman from your front yard qualifies, but apparently not to the police. I’m not real crazy about the fact that it encourages Stalinesque spying from neighbors.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Jonn, I disagree. I might not want to see that woman’s face as I peruse the fresh fruit at Wally World, but the message is correct. We are a nation that cannot look up from our cell phones and X-Boxs to see that sometimes, that squirrelly lookin’ Arab dude climbing out of the POS truck with a small camper bed and taped over windows may be a threat to us and should perhaps be reported.

That guy in NYC who reported such a type scenario….I’m pretty sure he was not born in the US with the self-centered focus and lack of situational awareness. I can’t recall where that guy was from, but most likely a country where it’s expected to look around and notice “suspicious activity” because people have been blown to bits in such a manner before.

B Woodman

Stalinesque, indeed.
Now, if she was talking about local criminal activity, sure. Be aware. Report the shoplifting and theft, the attempted rape, the car break-ins.
But we all know that’s NOT what she’s about.

Old Trooper

I just think her time and the effort of DHS could be better spent doing myriad other things. Everyone knows what I’m talking about, so there’s no need to repeat it.


I never thought I’d see the day when the holiday message changed from “peace and good will” to “watch for the guy with the bomb.”

Kinda takes all the fun out of it, you know?

Southern Class

Great commercial for Wal-mart. Hit it, holiday shoppers.
Do we need big brother to tell us to see and recognize suspicious activity? NOT! And, that veteran with the “NOBAMA” decal is not a terrorist, folks.
Profile, profile, profile.
And while we are at it, report all government support for particular private businesses. We do not pay taxes for the government to cut commercials for Wal-mart.


This reminds me of the new Social Security commercials telling people of “a seasoned age” to make sure to report any suspicious activity that they saw at doctors’ offices, pharmacies, etc. All in the name of “reducing fraud”, of course. Stalinesque, indeed.

It isn’t rocket science to report a car being stolen but, “suspicious activity” to one person may be completely normal to another.