Duff: Iran is being set up

| November 30, 2010

Yeah, i saw this one coming as soon as I read about the Wikileaks release yesterday morning. I’ve just been waiting for the retard to write it. Gordon Duff, the TOC gopher cum international man of mystery, warns us that the Wikileaks are a false flag Mossad operation;

There is now little doubt that Wikileaks is an intelligence operation managed from Tel Aviv, carrying out Israeli foreign policy. The most recent “leaks” have successfully reset the diplomatic stage in the Middle East, exposing undercurrents of animosity against Iran while destroying American diplomatic credibility.

Were a crisis in the region to arise, and one is already in motion thanks to the Israeli terrorists openly operating inside Iran, the United States would now be hamstrung in attempts to foster a regional settlement.


Iran is being “set up” through terrorist attacks timed to make any military action in the region immediately look like Iran “out of control.” More attacks on scientists and their families are planned until international tensions are high enough for a “false flag” terror attack on the United States to seem plausible.

Yeah, Iran is being set up. Israel is probably building the nuclear bombs themselves in Iran. Gotta have something to bomb, right? A few weeks ago, Duff told us that Ahmadinejad was a Mossad plant, so there you have it.

I get a tip every week from new readers warning me that Gordon Duff is a danger to the Republic. No, he’s a crank. If half of what he writes is true, I think the Mossad would have dusted his ass off years ago.

Category: General Whackos

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Gordon Duff is a mossad plant.


Gordon Duff is an anti-semitic loon.


Well so is Ahmadinejad, but that didn’t stop him from being a mossad plant.


So, anyone else notice now Gordo is a UN diplomatic officer for Humanitarian groups? in his bio

Which NGO’s have him as an UN Diplomatic Officer and expert on international Banking?