My Life: Gay Dog, Niece is TV Star, Cataclysm is coming…

| November 22, 2010

My wife caught the dog shivering the other day, and decided he needed to look like he was singing acapella in the Boston College Men’s Choir for some reason. Seriously hon, he is covered in fur, he doesn’t need this outfit. I half expect to come home from work to him decking out our house in disco stuff and dancing with a male chihuahua to “It’s Raining Men.” I looked the other way when he mounted a male St Bernard at the Bark Park thinking he was just being ornery, but damn….

My Niece is the little cutie with the white thing in her hair who says “It’s not awesome” at 2:30 in.

And, from December 7 to the 11th, don’t come looking for me, I will be trying to protect Azeroth from raging elementals with my friends Milbe (named after Milwaukee’s best), XBlackheart, and Dreadbeard (Claymore.)

Category: Politics

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Just A Grunt

If WoW doesn’t knock off the crap with shutting down the capital cities for hours at a time for their little elemental attacks they are going to lose me forever. And given the *cough* cough* success of their recent patches in preparation for Cataclysm I wouldn’t hold my breath expecting to get any serious playing done after it gets released. More like a lot of cursing and browsing message boards to find fixes.

But then I could be wrong. Nah!

BTW I belong to Tempest Guardians on the Venture Co server. I have a bad ass lvl 80 Dwarf Hunter and Dranei Death Knight.

Just A Grunt

Nah not really geared up that much. Since joining this new guild, full of vets and active duty service members, they have been getting me straightened out and fixed up. In fact the head of the guild is headed to Afghanistan for a short deployment.

I have lower level Druid (64) that I changed to be resto that I am bringing along to get to level 80. That will give me a ranged, a DPS/Tank, and a healer to use as the situation calls for.

I do have a pally but like you I have abandoned him.


The poor little guy was cold and when I tried to put a blanket over him he would just sit on top of it instead of under it so a sweater was the only option! I think what kills you is the fact that he likes it.


Blizzard broke my internets.

Fobbits Need Ice Cream Too

The elemental event is really great for farming Justice Points. I’m sort of mad that I’ll be at a service school when Cataclysm releases, especially since I paid for release day shipping from Amazon.


I want a transformer car jet plane rocket, too.

No sweaters on animals. That’s just wrong.

Old Tanker

Hey, Caro could have put teh ghey dog in leather chaps and a studded collar. At least this way he’s only fireside chat ghey….

Mr Wolf

TSO, since you got married-

We’re seriously worried about you dude. Who’s the ‘housewife’ in this equation now?????

I feel as if I’ve fallen into the bowels of teh intertubes here- or someone’s basement. Ugh….

Methinks it’s time for you to get another tour to get your sack back… 🙂


Why does the dog’s expression say, “if you take picture, I will keel you”? He looks absolutely miserable.


Of course he looks miserable. He is wearing a sweater. His manhood…er, doghood has been stripped from him. Poor bastard.


At least you don’t have a poodle. Oh, the shit I’ve taken for THAT…


I know 3 Rangers with poodles. They seem to be gaining in popularity with the man set (since they’re such smart dogs, I suppose).

And the poor little guy does have a short coat.


I will give my dog that–bastard is too smart for his own good, but he is as gentle as the day is long for a standard.

Old Tanker

Poodles were bred for hunting right?

This is not a ghey dog…

Just A Grunt

Did you know dogs could laugh? I showed the picture to my dogs and I swear they rolled around the floor laughing.

Well either that or they were just marking some more territory.


#4 JaG
“the head of the guild is headed to Afghanistan for a short deployment.”
Do you realize how sweet that sentence sounds… taken out of context…


Sorry Bro, the dog now looks like Nathan Lane, save it before its too late

Southern Class

My Lacey J, 112 pound dominant bitch Pyrenees gagged. I told her that it was a warrior dog and she looked at me like I am the one that is nutz. Poor dogly.

The Sarge

long time reader, first time poster…

i’m on Azgalor PVP server, alliance side, loving the free JP given away by full time elemental bosses.

You can find me on my DK Craptastic or my Warrior, Sizzlelegs.

– Sarge


OT, that is a gorgeous dane.

Old Tanker

Thanks ROS!


Level 80 Warlock and Rogue, multiple lower levels on Nazjatar. Should any of you dare to venture into my realm and make an Alliance toon just simply state TAH or TSO or Looking for the Grunt in Trade Chat and if I am on you will find me. I also have Horde toons on the Dalaran server if you wish to find me there and yes I preordered Cata as did the wife who has 7 level 80 toons and is working on numbers 8 and 9.

Old Trooper

OT in #16: Looks just like my Dane.