Oh Snap…Its The Marine Corps Birthday.

| November 10, 2010

You better stand at attention nasties:

So 235 years ago in a bar in Philly called the Tun Tavern a bunch of drunks and criminals got together and formed what would become the United States Marine Corps. There were only two requirements for enlisting: you had to have your own musket and at least one tooth to tear open powder bags to load your musket.

Today, you can’t bring your own musket to combat because of the goddamn liberals and if you have one tooth then you will have to go see a sadist who goes by the name of “Navy Dentist”.

So anyways, here is my birthday salute and lets here some Marine jokes…

Category: Politics

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The National Science Foundation announced the following study results on U.S. military recreation preferences:
1. Sport of choice for Marines: bowling.
2. Sport of choice for Sailors: football.
3. Sport of choice for Soldiers: baseball.
4. Sport of choice for Coast Guardsmen: tennis.
5. Sport of choice for Airmen: golf.
Notice how the farther down the list you go, the smaller their balls get.

Semper Fi to all my brothers in arms.


Give a bored Marine grunt 3 rocks and he will:

1. Lose one
2. Break another
And 3. Make a game of the third.


It’s an old one, but it bears repeating:

Kid runs into a sailor in an airport and says “Wow, are you a real sailor?”

“Sure am” says the squid.

“Is that a real sailor hat?”


“Can I wear it?”

He lets the kid put on his hat and just then a Marine walks by. “Wow, are you really a Marine?” asks the kid.


“And is that a real Marine hat?”

“Of course.”

“Can I wear it?” asks the kid.

“Suck my dick,” says the Marine.

The kid replies “Oh, I’m not in the Navy, I’m just wearing this guy’s hat.”


Wiping the coffee off the screen, Scott. Good one. Happy birthday to all Marines, and especially to the one who carries my last name, over in Afghanistan with 2/3.

Old Tanker

…and lets here some Marine jokes…

We can always work on the grammer!


Do you know what noise is made when you throw shit into a fan?
Semper Fidelis to my Brothers
Happy 235th Birthday you Jarheads

Old Tanker

….and yes, Happy Birthday to the Marines. A special one to a friend heading to Ass-crackistan after the Holidays. Unfortunately he’s not here for me to give a bunch of crap to for getting to cut the cake…..for the 5th year in a row!


……It was recently noted you can no longer refer to a marine as a ‘jar head’ since a jar is actually capable of storing something……….

Happy Birthday Marines!


Though I’m a Soldier, I will be attending my local VFW post celebration this evening. I stopped by the Marine Career Center earlier to invite them and also grabbed some USMC stickers. For some odd reason, most of the people at the VFW have Army shirts and all sorts of other free Army goodies 🙂 but nothing to represent the other services.

Cedo Alteram

Um Dan, I think it was two opposible teeth.