Scare mongering in Florida
ROS sends a link about rapper Uncle Luke who’s out scaring Floridians in his latest column “Democrats Got Tea Bagged All Night Long”;
“Now, all the African Americans who stayed home have no right to complain when new Gov. and fraud veteran Rick Scott puts up armed security checkpoints and barbed wire fences around every housing project in Florida. Welfare recipients can’t moan when the state drug tests them before issuing food stamps.”
Luke, whose music with 2 Live Crew was ruled too obscene to sell in the early ’90s by a Southern Florida District Court Judge, continued to argue that the Democratic Party themselves were responsible for the Republican electoral victories in his home state, particularly former Congressman Kendrick Meek’s failure to rest the Senate seat vacated by Republican Mel Martinez.
Reminiscent of the Bush years when ads were run that George Bush was going to suspend the 14th Amendment and every black church would be burned to ground. And James Bird’s daughter said that electing George Bush would be like dragging her father behind a pick up truck all over again.
Category: Liberals suck
If I was black instead of red and plaid, I’d be affronted as hell at this:
“Now, all the African Americans who stayed home have no right to complain when new Gov. and fraud veteran Rick Scott puts up armed security checkpoints and barbed wire fences around every housing project in Florida. Welfare recipients can’t moan when the state drug tests them before issuing food stamps.”
Uncle Luke doesn’t sound like he holds his nieces and nephews in high esteem.
I bet he is the drunk uncle that everyone secretly wishes would not come to grandma’s b-day party with his newest girlfriend.
Nothing says community pride like calling every black person a ghetto-welfare-foodstamp-having-drug using-lowlife.
If the blacks who stayed home and didn’t vote are that demographic, I’m quite glad they didn’t vote. Last time they gave us a political abortion and called it Immanuel.
Can anyone locate Bethlehem in Kenya? Or… I mean.. uhhh “Hawaii”? What were these modern Magi smoking and was it medical? The only star they saw had a crescent moon next to it.
Black power or something. yeah.
Why all the divisive language? I don’t give two squirts of urine anymore thought than I do skin color, but I apparently cannot ignore it as it’s shoved in my face at every opportune moment.
I married a boricua, that’s gotta count for something besides masochism and a secret desire for scars and bad credit, right?
“Welfare recipients can’t moan when the state drug tests them before issuing food stamps.”
Requiring welfare recipients to at least not demonstrate self-destructive habits before spending public money on them? I’m trying to figure out how this is unconstitutional, undesirable, or in any manner a Bad Thing™.
Nope, I got nothin’.
He’s certainly right about one thing….Democrats got tea bagged alright…
In the words of Chaquille O’Neil…”How’s my ass taste???”
Luke Campbell– Mr. “Me So Horny” himself!
Speaking of his magnum opus…
(Yes, that’s an M-16A1 w/ 30rd mag at 2:11.)
For the “Clean as They Wanna Be” version… sorry, in this day and age, can’t be found on YouTube.
2LiveCrew to commentator. Nah, can’t possibly understand the lack of credibility there. Nope. And Cortillaen–ditto, man. Steel on target. Who knew California would be so racist as to DISABLE EBT cards at casinos? I mean, the fricken NERVE!!!
“Welfare recipients can’t moan when the state drug tests them before issuing food stamps.”
Ahem,Uncle Luke, are you aware of the strings attached to the wlfare check as it stands now? Do you know that Child Protective Services can check the home of a welfare recipient and take children away if each child doesn’t posses a room of their own?
[…] This ain’t Hell… finds some typical Liberal race baiting and scare-mongering […]
As bad a case of projection as I’ve ever heard.
What does his rants tell you about what he’d like to do to whitey?
Except that most whiteys that I know don’t live in the housing project ghetto, or take food stamps.
That, and we can, and will, shoot back.