Yes, we’re the ones

| November 1, 2010

Old Trooper sends us a link to an article which announces that; “US faces first scrutiny by UN rights council“. i guess this is just another way that the Obama Administration wants to castrate the American experiment;

The United States only agreed to join the Council in May 2009, after the Bush administration had shunned the body which replaced its similar though discredited predecessor, the UN human rights commission, in 2006.

The Network produced a 400-page report criticising “glaring inadequacies in the United States? human rights record,” including the “discriminatory impact” of foreclosures, “widespread” racial profiling and “draconian” immigration policies.

“Advocates across America have not only documented substandard human rights practices which have persisted in the US for years, but also those that reflect the precipitous erosion of human rights protections in the US since 9/11,” said Sarah Paoletti of the Network.

Yes, I’ve heard reports of the beheadings of foreclosure, racial profiling and illegal immigration victims. What the hell is the ‘discriminatory impact of foreclosures”? Well, other than people learning that when they can’t afford a house, they should look for another they can afford.

Widespread racial profiling is like what’s going on The Sudan when entire villages are uprooted from their ancestral homes and put in a refugee camp because of their religion – not because a teenage Black male is pulled over for robbing a gas station and when it’s discovered he didn’t commit the crime, he’s released.

I think they ought to look at Mexico’s immigration policies before they start calling our “draconian”, the little drama queens.

So I guess this is something else they figure we’ll lay down and take – the rest of the world feeding on our still-living carcass. Isn’t anyone going to mention how we still all own guns. too? Yeah, come and get those.

Category: United Nations

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USMC Steve

We ain’t the world, but we sure as hell ARE the UN.

Time to quit that organization and let the rest of the slackers pick up their own tabs for being fucked up.


We need to pay only 160th of their budget(everyone paying equally) and give them 48 hours to move to a Neutral Country. remember -we have guns! And besides that,those Little Sky Blue Berets make good Targets!


Not. one. more. dime. Now, pack your crap, you’ve got 48 hours to set up your UN in Geneva, or Mogadishu, or Tehran. We don’t need the UN.

Thompson's Machine

“remember -we have guns”

So that makes discrimination OK.