In combat, you also want to know who has your back

| October 28, 2010

The above picture was distributed on pamphlets by a North Carolina legislator to remind voters that he supports the troops. The problem is that they’re dressed as World War II German soldiers. The story from BBC.

A North Carolina state legislator says he supports the military, but a flyer prepared by his campaign could lead some to question which country’s.

Democrat Tim Spear’s campaign has apologised after inadvertently sending voters a leaflet showing actors in World War II-era German uniforms.

Now, you have to wonder how much this guy supports the troops when he doesn’t even know what they look like or even that their weapons aren’t wooden Mausers and MP 40s. Now, I’ll admit that K-pots look a little like the German helmets…but not that much.

The phrase on the photo says “In combat, you always want another soldier covering your back.” It’s especially nice if that soldier covering your back is in your own army.

Thanks to COB6 for sending the link from his undisclosed location.

Category: Liberals suck

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Only a libtard could have done that!! Amazing! Well, maybe not.


Looks like a re-enactment photo.

Cedo Alteram

What a bunch of Maroons.

The Helmets are harder to see Jonn, they are sorta hunch over. Also weapons aren’t in clearview.

I can tell just by the camo smocks they’re wearing they were Germans. Incidentally, I think only the Waffen(armed) SS were issued them.


Hopefully one of those dudes is a corpse-man.


Oh poopoo. In reenactments the Germans never duck.


I’m surprised they’re not wearing Stormtrooper armor and carrying blasters…


God that’s a hoot!!!! 🙂

Old Trooper

Stupid is as stupid does.


Ah, left/libtards, unfamiliar with what our troops look like… either that or they’re projecting about themselves and their secret fantasies.


Perhaps by “covering your back” he meant something else….